Sunday, September 18, 2022

Nao's 'Top Twenty of All Time Faves' list #2.... Position #1, the heavenly and unsurpassable Risa Watanabe!!!!


Links to the previous positions

#8, Rika .... #7, Akari .... #6, Yui .... #5, Tsubasa

 We've finally hit the end, don't know whether to feel sad or happy about it. These lists do take a bit of work but they're kind of fun to do though really can't have many of them, next one will be for this year's top faves which will begin at the end of November. In about ten days will have a wrap up post for the list that will have some final thoughts, averages and stats such as ages and heights, the most popular posts and whatever. When you come to #1 it can be anti-climatic and this is to an extent as I knew she would be number one for a very long time. This won't be the largest of posts and had held out for a few days hoping for new things which never happened. But that's okay as there will be another post for Risa in three weeks which will be right after the October 8th 'Girls Award' show. 

 Getting hard to say anything new about Risa these days which hasn't been said before. Only one other woman has had more posts than her since the beginning of 2018, think this is her 70th solo post since then which is close to fifteen posts a year. Even though Risa has never been #1 on the yearly faves list for over two years have been saying how she been my overall number one. She has been so consistent on that yearly faves list as he positions in order have been seventh, second, sixth and fourth, she should be in the top seven this year too. So being consistent pays off in the end run and have been surprised there's been as many posts as there have been for Keya(Sakura) went through that extremely long stretch of inactivity.

 So while I wouldn't consider Risa to be the hottest or have the most gorgeous face or the most bodacious figure in my eyes she's the most attractive women I post about. It's when you put everything together that no one else here can top her and hope I can keep saying that years from now. It's only been four months since she graduated from Keya and for the most part she's kept busy enough but I wonder if remaining in the show biz field is still a dream of hers? 

 Let's get to things, sure by now most know why she's easily my #1 of all time! Risa did open an IG page after her graduation, she has some A-OK pics there though wish she had more, these are from the last few weeks. On July 27th which was her 24th birthday she even opened her own site but that's still a work in progress.

 Don't think this will be too common but on September 8th she made her first appearance on a variety show. It was 'Kiseki Taiken! Unbelievable' which is a quiz and talk show, no video on YT for it as it was just on Twitter.

 Only once before have I included screenshots from her final Keya concert that took place on May 22nd at the Yoyogi National Stadium. Have skimmed through it many times but have never watched the final few minutes as I'd probably become a bit too choked up! But have a small batch of pics here that featured the first generation members giving their final farewells and such, what I enjoyed about the show is that it concentrated more on the music/group and not her.

 Risa is still a model for Non-no and her pics for them are unbeatable. Only have a few new ones here from their site as there hasn't been as many as usual over the last two months and that top pic is unbeatable! The last one isn't new but it is for here as I had never seen it before, it's too terrific not to have and she'll be the cover girl for Non-no's November issue.

 No new mag spreads so let's go back to May 2nd and this set from WPB. It was promoting Risa's 'Memorial Graduation' photobook and it's her top spread for the last year or so.

 Hmmm, actually this spread from the May 25th issue of Weekly Shonen Champion may top that above set of pics, I really hope we see more spreads like these two in the future.

 Speaking of the future here's a new interview from September 3rd where she does talk about her plans. It was with '' site and have the link to it, Risa did mention how she's become addicted to games this past year and really isn't much of an outdoors person: TheTV site

 That interview took place after the September 3rd 'Tokyo Girls Collection' Autumn/Winter show that was held at the Saitama Super Arena. It was Risa's first event since graduating from Keya and as mentioned she will be at another show on October 8th. To me she looked the best of all the models for the theme was Winter clothing but she's one of the few who wasn't clad in a parka or sweater. There's no decent videos of the event and she took her stroll on the It Brand stage.

 This ended up being a bit larger post than I thought considering she's had four others in  the last 2 1/2 months. Will end off with some ultra sparkling pics and as I mentioned Risa is the most attractive woman I post about, really hoping but not holding my breath she can be #1 again four years from now! There's quite a few videos on YT and while most are good none are outstanding which is sadly the case for most '46' members. After the pics have a video which hadn't been posted from the May 14th 'Girls Award' show.

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