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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Nao's 'Top Twenty of All Time Faves' list #2.... Position #11, the tantalizing Maimi Yajima!


Links to the previous positions

 Was keeping to my original plan on having a position every three days. But this puts me ahead of that pace and do plan on having two more before the month ends so there will be a dozen done in August and eight in September. Couldn't think of a good reason to twiddle my thumbs waiting to do these posts, especially when August has been such a slower month for my faves. But thanks to this list you may not have noticed, this tends to be one of the slower months in a year.

 That first 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list was done four years ago, so many of my bigger faves since then have kind of faded away. That's semi true for the women that finished in the top three spots, all have done some activities since then but not nearly at the level before 2018. However all three have remained huge faves of mine even though their names are rarely mentioned these days. For instance still watch at least one C-ute concert a month but that's down from one a week, with no more DVD's ever coming out will admit can get a bit weary watching the same concerts over and over. The trio all have some beyond perfect gravure DVD's which I'll never get tired off and still watch a few a week. So they've remained big faves of mine but had to drop all three in the rankings due to them being so much more quiet the last four years, dropped everyone eight spots but being ninth to eleventh which they will be is still very impressive, more on that in the next two posts.

 Of the three Maimi has been the busiest and still was able to do posts for her up until late 2019. She's a busy woman but almost every activity isn't a major one. Maimi has been in so many stage plays the last three years and has had the lead role in a few of them, have also seen her do a few guest appearances on dramas. She's also a part time model and still has a fan club, there's a few other things but sadly none of them have made her a star though you could say she was one with C-ute until they disbanded in June 2017. She certainly has the qualifications to finish so high as in 2016 she was sixth on the yearly list, in 2017 was #1(!) and was third on the 2018 all time faves list. Add in her photobooks and videos that are close to unbeatable means I've really missed her and how many more posts will she have here?

 Will have at least thirty 'newish' pics for this post but most will be oldies. It's more important having those old pics as I bet many have never seen them before and you can see why Maimi has been one of my all time faves for almost a decade! Will start off with some pics from her IG page which she doesn't update all that often. The bottom two pics are from December with two C-ute members, will explain what they're about in the post for position number nine. The two above that are from the "Hula Girl" stage play that took place in May and had a Hina member in the lead role.

 "Final Squall" was one of the songs of C-ute's final single which came out in March 2017. Maimi still releases cards through her current agency and those cards are called 'Squall', they look so darn good but don't come out on a consistent basis.

 Have a few older C-ute cards and for no reason picked some for Halloween.

 As much as I've liked Keya, Nogi or even SKE over the years none can compare to C-ute and doubt if any group will. Some modeling pics from 2019 and the andGirl site, she does a lot of work with sites and mags but it appears no one ever hires her as a full time model. That's extremely odd as very few women in history are as attractive as Maimi!!!!

 Pair of two page 2021 spreads from Steady for their July and November issues, think she may have just had another spread with them last month.

 But it's her older spreads I like so much more but when with C-ute the spreads were usually with other members of the group. This fine set is from the June 2016 issue of Best Shot.

 Here's a real super duper spread Maimi from the November 2016 issue of My Girl, that magazine used to have superb sets but think they folded a few years back.

 Though there's no photobooks in this post added the label in below for I highly recommend checking out her older books and have then all. Well, that is save for one which is "Blink" that came out in November 2018 and is Maimi's last book to date and possibly her final one ever. Don't have the book but do have some outtake pics from it.

 Would say my top DVD from her was "Blue Wind" which came out in 2014, that's my fourth fave Idol DVD of all time. Still watch it at least twice a moth and have a clip from it at the bottom of the post, few screenshots from it and can't think of any adjectives good enough to describe Maimi....

 Will end off with some ultra scorching pics and the video is after them. Maimi turned thirty on February 7th and her birthday is exactly sixteen days after the fave in the #12 position. Will admit I had slightly forgotten about her, still watch her older videos and concerts but in the future promise to keep better tabs on Maimi.

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