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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Nao's 'Top Twenty of All Time Faves' list #2.... Position #17, the blistering Nene Shida!


Previous positions

 Got ahead of myself and finished this two days ago but waited on publishing this in order to stay on pace. Which is a post every three days and that means up to position eleven will be done on August 28th. Then in September the top ten will be revealed and for that will pick up the pace a little bit. Was thinking two posts every five days and if that happens will finish on the 22nd. When the first top twenty list was done back in 2018 no gravure model made it though in a way J-Pop Idols spreads are just as revealing! For this second list three of the first four positions are for gravure models but this will be it for them. But the three do so much more than modeling as a pair are actresses, two also work on variety shows, they do regular modeling and various other things which is why they made the list.

 Not the largest of these list posts but do have some fabulous new pics, especially the ones from her first regular photobook. There's two reasons this may not be massive with the biggest being this is already her 15th post of the year!!!! It's also Nene's 25th in twenty months and think only 2-3 can top that pace. Back in December 2020 is when Nene was first introduced and that makes her the 'newest' fave to be on the list, everyone else has posts that are at least four years old. But Nene leaves me at a loss for words as her hotness in kind of an innocent way has made her my #1 newbie from the past three years. At first had penciled in at the 14th spot but after thinking about it dropped her to here. Thought it might not be too fair to those that have had so many posts over the years but just making the list is an achievement and if she can continue on with being as busy then she would be in the top ten if a third list is ever done. That wouldn't be for four years and let's see if I'm still around!

 Personally much prefer someone like Nene who looks a bit more 'real' compared to models who seem to defy the laws of gravity! Nene also has an excellent shot at being #1 on this year's faves list and she's in a battle with four others. So it could boil down to who is the busiest over the next three months and I have a feeling she'll be slowing down a tad with her activities but hope I'm wrong with that prediction. First off are these new pics from her IG page, second to last is from a recent photo shoot but my top pic is the last one. The first three are from July 15th when she hit the age of 24

 Went back to Nene's first ever post which was in December 2020 for these pics. She's currently a part time reporter for the "Imadoki" show but these are from when she was a weather person for the "ZIP!" show, that gig ran from April 2019 to March 2020.

 Also in that post was this spread from the April 10, 2020 issue of Friday. It was her second ever spread, her first had only four pages and she's come such a long, long way in two years.

 Do have a pair of new spreads but why are they so tiny?! Forgot to have this set in her last post which is from the June 21st issue of Manga Action.

 Another spread from Friday and can't believe how small it is, this set is from their August 12th issue and the magazine did publish her first PB.... why'd they bother having this so called 'spread' if there was only two pages?!

 Nene's had many digital books but her first regular photobook was released on her 24th birthday that took place on July 15th. In it's first week out it did top the charts but only sold a little over 2,800 copies and I thought it'd be four times that! But perhaps the sales were higher as the Oricon charts don't count all sales. For Nogi books think the sales are close but not for others such as Hello Project books. Nene did have an event and don't think sales at them are counted plus perhaps also copies sold at lesser known sites. Last week the publisher did have a reprinting so obviously it's sold way more than 2,800 copies, these are three new promo pics for the book.

 "Nene- Marutto Zenbu" is the title of Nene's photobook and do have it, will say this could be my #1 for the year and she somehow looks better than ever in it! But not going to post the book for a while as not to affect sales so was thinking perhaps October 1st would be a good date. So to end off will have a few pics from the book and know none of them have been posted here yet. After the pics is a Young Magazine video from April that also hadn't been posted, Nene just leaves me so breathless....

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