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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, August 27, 2022

Nao's 'Top Twenty of All Time Faves' list #2.... Position #10, the unparalleled Minami Sengoku!


Links to the previous positions

 That top pic is the first one I ever saw of her and as they say the rest is (semi) history! As mentioned in the post for #11 the top three on the 2018 list were all dropped down eight spots. The three remain huge faves of mine even though they rarely have posts these days. Still watch their concerts and gravure videos on a consistent basis plus their picture folders are bursting with so many! So the trio did deserve to stay on the list and those positions seemed fair to me but odds are if a third all time list is done they won't be on it.

 Just popped in my mind when thinking of that trio. Guess we're going through another 'changing of the guards' which happens every four or so years. So many women I posted about in 2012 seemed to be on the decline by 2017 and these days only 3-4 women from 2012 still get posts. So a new wave began to come in around 2017 and fifteen of the twenty on the list had a post done in 2017 or before. But am noticing the signs of another change as so many I've posted about the last four years aren't nearly as busy as they once were. Do miss a few of them but there's nothing we can do about these changes, sometimes it's because of a marriage or just cutting back on activities, in some extreme cases that fave has retired! Those few lines above really didn't mean much but it's good to muse now and again, sure many have noticed the lack of posts for some of my bigger faves from the last few years.

 Gulp, how I've missed doing posts for her!!!!Sure everyone knows what the word Bridesmaid means and as far as the women I post about Minami is #1 in that category, the only number one she has! On the 2016 yearly fave's list she finished in the third position, in 2017 she moved up to second. Then on the first all time faves list she was in the second position once again. To top it off her only gravure DVD is my second favorite Idol video and if there was a ranking for my hottest ever Idols she'd be in the top four! So you can see why she still has such a high ranking even after being so quiet over the last few years, the pics you'll be seeing could be better evidence!

 Speaking of Brides on the first list done in 2018 four of the twenty were married at the time, very rarely post about married women and none have had a post since then. Of the remaining sixteen faves six more have gotten married, one I do post about on occasion. Of those six Minami is one who got hitched but didn't know about it until May. It happened last December as she announced it on her blog but she went the right route and it wasn't a shotgun marriage, she still doesn't have any children. So odds are high this could be her last solo post here but if she somehow becomes busy again and remains childless then would do some posts for her but don't hold your breath. Not that Minami has many fans here but noticed her older posts have seen a huge increase in views over the years.

 Blabbered enough already but just one last thing before I let the beyond perfect photos take over. Minami was with Up Up Girls from 2011 until her graduation in September 2017, she was their group captain. She went out in style with a photobook, DVD, grad concert and some magazine spreads but at the time thought we're going to hear so little from her in the future which sadly has been the case. But as I mentioned in the beginning things go in phases around here and that's the way of the Idol world. Speaking of Up Up Girls they're a group who I enjoyed but haven't paid enough attention to them the last few years. Their songs up until 2018 were quite good if you like really high octane pop music and recommend any of their older tunes, they have so many videos on YT.

 If Minami had stayed with the group for another 2-3 years I could see being #1 on this all time faves list! Few 2022 pics here from her blog and IG page but she really doesn't post many pics and only does one blog entry a month though does have a video channel. Would have the link to it but you need to pay to view the videos.

 That birthday pic in the middle was from April 30th, on that date Minami hit the age of 31 and to me she could pass for being a few years younger. For some of my real long time faves think it's important to post older pics to show you why someone like her has been a fave for eight years plus I'm sure most have never seen these before but 80% were in previous posts. How about a pair of oldie but goldie mag spreads with the first being from the January 3, 2014 issue of Young Gangan.

 Another 2014 spread that's from the February 28th issue of Young Animal, you know Minami had to be somewhat popular back then as she was the cover girl for both these spreads.

 Minami appears in so many stage plays, so many can't count them all! Would like to see her in a regular drama but have seen her in a film. That was "Ada" from 2013, viewed that twice and though unsubbed it was easy enough to follow. That was such a brutal film for an Idol and there was a sequel which I've never found. When Minami graduated from Up Up Girls on September 15, 2017 she released her first and only photobook the day after. Have some pics from the book and get that cold shower running(!), four of these pics had never been posted before.

 Title of the photobook was "Koibito" and two months after it was released a DVD of the photo shoot came out. It's my second favorite Idol video of all time and in an odd twist the next position has my #1 Idol DVD! Have watched this one too many times to count and here's some screenshots from it, will also have a segment from it at the bottom of the post.

 Hopefully Minami gained a few new fans with this post and shame they'll never be pics like these from her again. There's not a mega amount of gravure videos on YT but there's enough of them and highly recommend viewing them, helps searching with her Kanji name which is a label. Will end off with some overly pics of perfection and I can never get tired of them, may sound odd but I have more pics of Minami than anyone else on my computer. After the pics check out part one of the "Koibito" video, it is long but is a must watch.... check out part two also.

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