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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Thursday, August 18, 2022
Nao's 'Top Twenty of All Time Faves' list #2.... Position #14, the seductive Kyoko Saito!
There's some similarities between this and the last position which of course was #15.... besides the fact both are massive faves of mine!!!! Both posts are a part one as the pair have birthdays in September, they're only three days apart and would like to have a post for both of them right around their special day. However the difference in ages is ten years and another thing in common is they're the two who I wished finished much higher on the list than anyone else. Still the positions of fourteen and fifteen are still impressive, another similarity is why they weren't higher? It's because of lack of posts, having many isn't the most key thing but it really does help having more of them. You wouldn't think that about Kyoko as I bet most presume she's had so many posts over the years. To an extent she has but this is only her 27th solo post in four years and there aren't many others who I would rather have posts for. There's really nothing that could have been done to have more posts but least 22 of them have been in the last 2 1/2 years, hope everyone is understanding....
WOW!!!! Talk about someone who is furious and guess she's more unhappy than anyone else at finishing 14th, haven't seen her that furious since she unknowingly stepped into that cold shower! The main reason Kyoko hasn't had more solo posts is because of Hina, their biggest positive at times can be a negative. What I really like about the group is how every member gets a turn in the spotlight whether it's appearing in magazines or at events, doing interviews, etc. Keya is slightly like that these days but that's always been a problem with Nogi, only a small core are recognized by management. The only negative thing about that is the more popular members aren't in the limelight as often though someone like Kyoko still has more of everything compared to other members. Still have that dreaded feeling she'll be the first major first generation member to leave and hope she waits at least two more years. Know so many of the twenty who made this list won't be on any future ones so someone like her could be a front runner to be #1 if a third list is done four years from now. Whew, looks like she's finally calmed down enough and who doesn't want to see a second photobook from her?!?!
Yes, it's difficult to top pics like those from her book but to me Kyoko looks so darn good just being her usual self. This is going to be a good sized post but with her 25th birthday coming up on September 5th will hold back a few things for a post which may be a few days after that date. Two days prior to that Kyoko and seven other members will be at the Autumn 'Tokyo Girl Collection' show so there should be plenty of pics from that and this batch here is from the February 28, 2020 TGC show.
Not that there's been many Hina group cards this year but checked her other 2022 posts and have had zero cards in any of those posts! That kind of shocked me but then again it means we have more recent pics which you've never seen.
We need a new regular Hina drama, I really enjoyed their 2017 series "Re:Mind" and especially Kyoko's character. Moving on here's some recent Instagram pics and she was the second member to open her own page.
Here's a set of older pics which I don't think were ever posted, perhaps in a group post? This set is from a January 2018 feature with the Hustle Press site and here's the link to it: HP site
This unbeatable trio all made the top twenty faves list, actually all are in the top fourteen. These screenshots are from a 2019 Sakimichi special series where they had one member from each group do some sort of activity together, Sakimichi is the main management for the '46' groups. How I wish this was subbed for the trio partook in a dinner which they cooked and then sat around rapping. Well, two of the members prepared the meal as Kyoko was more of a bystander who got in the way! Whoever her future mate may be will soon learn being with her means the only option for meals is getting take out food! Not being too sarcastic as she's even said how inept she is in the kitchen. 😈
Most fans know that Hina used to be part of Keya and were called Hiragana46 up until February 2019. That's when they branched out on their own with a name change and as they say the rest is history! The post below this one is for an even larger massive fave who has a chance of being #2 on the list, that may shock some viewers! This batch here are can truly be considered oldies but goldies as they go all the way back to 2016 and haven't both changed so much in six years?! You know what a very unbelievable thing is(?)... Kyoko is somehow 25 months older and who would have thought that?
This has been a fairly big post and will end it here, was able to save a few things for her b-day. Kyoko has been a model for the ar magazine since June 2019, top three pics are new from their site while the others are from their September issue. There's so many Hina videos on YT but there's so few good ones for members, after the pics have a very short one of Kyoko from last year's TGC September show and their strolls have become much shorter.
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