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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, August 15, 2022

Nao's 'Top Twenty of All Time Faves' list #2.... Position #15, the exhilarating Yuika Motokariya


Previous positions

**** Was doing a position every three days but not this week. The next three spots would have been done on Tuesday, Friday and Monday however was taking next Monday off. So moved those spots up by a day and why not I thought as this post was just waiting to be published. The last two positions for the first ten spots will be done on the 25th and 28th.

 Of course would love to have more posts for everyone and especially for a small group of about five faves but them having more posts will never happen. Also wish a few of the top twenty could move up a couple spots but that too isn't possible and it would also mean others would have to drop. My number one in both those categories by a wide margin is Yuika and I truly do like her more than anyone else I've ever posted about. Not that it'll ever happen but if I could have the choice of just one woman who I post about she'd have the honor but would it be an honor to her?! So while having many posts is important it really wasn't when it came to making this list, so many with well over a hundred posts never had a chance of being in my top twenty. 

 But then again posts do matter, let's face it the more the better for that means a fave has many mag spreads, modeling/event pics, photobooks, etc. Only one other in the top twenty has less posts than Yuika but they've all come in the last twenty months, so lack of posts is the only reason Yuika didn't finish in the top five or even perhaps number one! But what she lacks in quantity she makes up for in quality as her posts have all been extremely popular so know most viewers would love to see more posts too.

 Am only making this a medium sized post as it could be considered to be a part one. But not only for her but two others on the list as their upcoming posts will also be part ones. What I mean is that all three will celebrate a birthday within two weeks of each other in September and want to have a post for those days. Yuika will be turning 35 on September 8th and she's the oldest woman on the list, there's six others who are thirty or older. As a special bonus to her fans Yuika will be releasing her fifth photobook the day after her birthday and that's the second best news I've heard this year, more about it near the end of the post.

 The reason for not many posts isn't a case of Yuika not being busy but that she doesn't do a lot of activities such as attending events or appearing in magazines, can't believe she's never been a full time model for some site or clothing line. What she does have are a pair of very popular radio shows and was also the co-host of the "King's Brunch" variety show for 3 1/2 years, things like that have made her popular but they're not activities that make for interesting posts.

 In the last sixteen months have recapped three of Yuika's dramas from 2021/22, two were thrillers and may have been her best shows to date. What I've had for a while but had forgotten all about until today was a bit of an unknown 2016 TV movie titled "Kenji no Honkai", she plays a lawyer/prosecutor for about the fifth time. Finally just skimmed through it and it does appear to be a decent movie so will post about it soon, perhaps it'll be the second of two birthday posts.

 Can't recall exactly when but think it was about six years ago when I did some recaps for her 2012 series "Soko no Nantoka". However just couldn't get into it so aborted it but think the blame lies more with me. At the time was more of a Korean drama fan and was a bit down on Japanese shows. But still have the series so soon will give the drama another shot and if magic strikes this time around will end up doing some recaps. Yuika played a lawyer in the show and had the lead role, there was a second season but it was never subbed. Like most of my faves who are over thirty in age she seldom posts many pics on her IG page and no longer has a blog. These are from the last five months(!) with the bottom pics being from the set of her "Itoshi Uso: Yasashii Yama" series which I thought was quite good.

 Yuika rarely attends events save for the ones to promote her dramas and films, that's a shame as her classiness is second to none. However do have some event pics for today from January 15, 2019 when she was promoting the opening of a new Glamping Cafe in Aoyama and their unique strawberry deserts. After the pics check out a short video of the event.


 As mentioned don't want to have too much for today as there's going to be another post in less than a month, weren't all that many new things anyways! Let's go back to 2020 for this spread from the February 4th issue of Flash which was promoting her last photobook.

 To me the second best bit of news I've heard this year is that Yuika is releasing a new photobook on September 9th! She may be turning 35 in a few weeks but she blows away 99.99% of any woman younger than her! Here's another spread from Flash and their August 16th issue which has some outtake pics from the book and will have more info about the book in that next post, that last pic is too perfect to describe!! Yuika has never had a DVD or any other kind of gravure video but there is a semi one for the new book and have that after the pics, highly recommended for any fan....


 We've hit the end and while this was far from being the largest of these list posts it was a decent one and that's not hard to do with Yuika pics! Her last two photobooks have been "Maururu" from 2017 and "Cantik" from 2020, both are simply perfect and you viewers think so do as the posts for them were extremely popular. So will end off with a mixture of pics from both books, have also had posts for her first two books and as mentioned will be back in a month with her 35th birthday post.

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