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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Saturday, August 13, 2022
Nao's 'Top Twenty of All Time Faves' list #2.... Position #16, the virtuous Nanase Nishino!
Sure most viewers, also myself, figured Nanase would have finished about ten positions higher. Had this list been done this time last year that may have been the case but since last Summer she's been sliding down though still have been doing posts for her. Hope what I say isn't too critical for she is one of my all time faves and no one will ever top the amount of posts she has. Of course most know I've been posting about J-Pop Idols for so long and while it's nice seeing them dressed so scantly it can at times get a bit monotonous. For so long Nanase was like a breath of fresh air, granted she had some gravure pics in her three photobooks but there really weren't all that many.
I really enjoyed her conservative style and her modeling pics were just so superb. But that positive side about being conservative has slowly become a negative as she's brought it to a new level and not a good one. Nanase's pics from the past year have become just so bland and drab, why has she changed so much as she only turned 28 three months ago? Many of my other faves have got caught in a period of being drab and bland, it's a tough one to get out of. The woman in the fifth position also had that 'disease' and is one of the few to escape it as her pics are better than ever. Not trying to be negative but it's just a bit disappointing what's been going on the past year, not many new pics for today so you can see what I mean about her style in older pics. On the bright side thought her 'Kotodamasou" drama that aired last Autumn was her best series to date and her next one beginning in October looks to be promising too.
Also wonder if some may be the fault of myself, after you post about someone like Nanase for eight years guess you can begin to get tired of someone and she wouldn't be the first. So 2022 has been by far her slowest year to date, two movies but both were filmed last year. She has been in one drama and has a five episode mini series starting up in October. But besides that not much else has been going on, very few mag spreads or modeling pics and no regular events outside of ones promoting her films. To me Nanase's biggest career mistake took place in late January when she announced she was leaving the Non-no magazine after having been a model for them since 2014. Her pics from them were always fabulous and how I miss them plus it meant there were no more monthly mag spreads. Perhaps every actress, model or Idol goes through phases like this after they've been around for eleven years, really hope it's just a phase and she's back to her usual self again.
But even though the past year has been far from her best Nanase still did make the top twenty and if another list is done four years from now would be surprised if she wasn't on that too. Her last post was in mid-June and there's been so few activities since then, a recent event and that's it! So almost everything for today will be older pics which are good in a way as it shows why she's been such a huge fave of mine for eight years and bet older fans enjoy ancient pics too! So there being no new spreads let's have an encore viewing of her January 5,2021 Flash set, it's these kinds of pics which I love of Nanase and she's never had to have gravure spreads to attract my attention.
Remember the days when Nanase had two spreads a month? I do and sadly that's something we'll never see again but modeling pics are an activity she should have many pics for but has zero once again. So we'll have to go back in the past for these from GRL, she modeled for them from 2018-20.
As mentioned I'm really missing Nanase'sNon-no pics as they all rated an A++++, she had so many superb ones over the years how can I choose just a few of them?
Least her mates finished way up there as this should be #2 on the list. At one time there was no doubt it would happen but in all honesty she could somehow fade to third and we'll see if that happens.
But don't think there's any question on who #1 will be, hope she's not too jealous....
Not that it's Valentine's Day but never did a post that month for her.
Here's the only batch of recent pics that are from a July 23rd event for her "Koi wa Hikari" film that came out on June 17th, this event took place on July 23rd and was kind of a 'Thank You fans' event. Nanase looks fine but when you compare these pics to ones from years ago there's not much comparison....
... to pics such as these which will be the final batch for this post. It's ones like these I really miss and who wouldn't want to run into farmgirl Nanase and then end up helping her milk the cows! These are from the April 2016 Spring 'Girls Award' show and she hasn't appeared at any of those fashion shows in over three years. No decent videos from it but have a better one after the pics from Non-no that features her with the probable number one and they do have many more stupendous videos as a duo.
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