Sunday, December 18, 2022

Nao's top sixteen Faves for 2022: Position #2, the enchanting and overly alluring Nene Shida


Previous Positions

#16, Marie .... #15, Miyu .... #14, Sae .... #13, Yuki

#8, Rena .... #7, Akari .... #6, Risa W .... #5, Mai

 This is the eighth year of doing this fave's list, will admit the first one didn't turn out so well as it was too much of an all time list but each year has gotten a bit better. Both for the way I do the lists and also how the quality of faves has really gone up, any women in the top five may have been #1 in any other year! Most years have been cut and dry on who number one was but this was one close battle, the only year that may have seen number's one and two closer was in 2019. 

 Nene had such a tremendous 2022 and would have finished first in perhaps four other years but nothing wrong with second which is the highest ever for a gravure model. What hurts them a bit is that they don't do as many different activities as a J-Pop Idol would as 95% of what models have here are gravure pics though some do a bit more. Such as Nene who has been in two dramas and and does a weekly segment on a variety show. She also graduated from college in March and not that it matters to her but she did tie a record with 26(!) posts in a year. Have noticed the views on Nene's posts have been slowly dwindling and is that because of having too many posts? Could be true but when you view all of her 2022 posts how can I not have those photos here?!

 It's been kind of a quiet stretch for her since the beginning of November, guess even she needs a breather now and again. So this may not be a large post as far as pics go but of the course their quality is off the charts. Nene does have three new mini mag spreads, will hold back one so there's not a large gap between posts and I don't expect her to hit 26 again. First off will have some recent IG pics, she rarely has many from photo shoots.

 Nene is in the current "Kamen Rider Geats" series though it's not a large role, will have two recaps for the show later on this week. It being a week away from Christmas of course have to have some pics, how about that first one?!?!

 Nene's second calendar was released at the end of November, there was a online event on December 5th but wish it was a regular event so not too many pics from it.

 Do have some pics from the calendar and it really looks like a winner!

 First mini Nene spread is from the December 26th issue of Shukan Post, just occurred to me she hasn't had a digital book for over two months.

 Second spread is from the December 19th issue of WPB, it too deserved to be much bigger but it was a special honor for her and the other two in the top pic who also made this year's faves list. All three won a WPB 'Grajapa Award' and in Nene's case it was for her being their top model of the year! 

 This wasn't the largest of posts though as mentioned the pics are so super duper! So will have an encore viewing of this set that was in her last post as she was the cover girl for the November 18th issue of Friday.

 We've hit the end and actually without the above spread it was still a decent sized post. Nene released her first regular photobook on July 15th which was also her 24th birthday, always wait a while before posting books so didn't have it here until December 1st. To me it was the second best photobook of the year but have to say am totally shocked at how few views it's received to date. Thought her fan base was somewhat huge but as I mentioned it seems Nene's fans have dwindled over the course of 2022. So will leave you with some breathtaking pics from the book and also the link to it, once you view the book it may be your #1 of the year! She does have her own Vlog and the videos are more interesting than most others, after the pics have one from a week ago for an upcoming Bomb spread.


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