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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, November 26, 2022

Nao's top sixteen Faves for 2022: Position #13, the scrumdiddlyumptious Yuki Yoda


Previous Positions

 Know she's had many breathtaking pics in her two photobooks but to me that first one will always be #1 from her!!!! Tomorrow will have position number twelve, two days later the eleventh which will bring us to the end of the month. That'll leave ten for December and if there's a post every other day will finish on the 20th which was my goal. This and the next four posts should all be huge ones, but this one here sadly doesn't have a huge amount of new pics. Last year Yuki made the list for the first time and was in the 16th position so she moved up three spots. However I really thought for so long the increase would be ten positions but that obviously didn't happen but this year's list is quite strong. 

 If I did this list in July Yuki may have been around fifth but what a slow second half of 2022 she had. She did appear in a Summer drama which I really enjoyed but the last three months she's only had two magazine spreads and appeared at a pair of events. These days much of the attention is now on the fourth and fifth generations, because of that will we soon seeing many 3G gals depart? Have a feeling Yuki is going to be one of those massive faves who will never finish extremely high on the yearly list. There's a few others like her who it seems have finished between tenth and sixteenth for so many years. But quite a few have been such huge faves and on the 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list there were a few who never made the top ten. So if she can continue to finish high enough bet she'd be in the top ten if another all time list is done four years from now. 

 In 2020 Yuki was the most popular woman here, figure that out by how many views someone's posts get. She was second last year but have noticed a dip in views this year, at the end of December will be doing this year's list and would be surprised if she made the top five.... or even ten and the biggest reason would be no new gravure pics! So has mentioned in the beginning this has not been a busy second half of the year for Yuki but Nogi does have a single coming out soon so hopefully it means we'll be seeing much more of her. There may be a lack of brand new pics but there must be eighty or so for this post, let's begin off with some IG pics from the past month.

 Been including many promo cards for a 2019 Nogi/Keya/Hina web game which was called "Otome Kagura: Requiem for a Zombie". It was also a Nogi drama and to me their best series to date, I thought Yuki was the top member in that show. Hijiri was the name of her character in the game, she must have twice as many cards as any other member.

 Bit early but odds are there wont be another post for her next month. So have some older Christmas pics, some have been posted before but also many are new for here.

 In 2019/20 Yuki won the award for being the Idol who appeared in the most magazines for both years. But what a slowdown she's had for over a year now which is hard to understand as she is extremely popular. But that's been the case for most '46' members too and I wonder why? So don't have a new spread for today though her last post did have one. So let's go back a bit to June when she was the cover girl for EX-Taishu.

 Exactly a week ago Yuki appeared at the Autumn/Winter 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show that was held in Kitakyushu. Wasn't one of their major shows as only seven Nogi/Keya members were there, she took her way too mini stroll on the Moments+ stage.

 There's also been a big slowdown on modeling pics and don't have a clue on why that's happened either, so let's hope in 2023 she returns to her high level of being busy! Going to end off with some pics that have already been posted. This set is from the October 8th Autumn 'Girls Award' show, the reason I wanted to have them again is that they're my top event pics for 2022!!!! Hard to top Yuki when she's dressed a bit scantly but in my eyes she's never looked better than she did at the show. She took her stroll on the Dazzlin' stage and that's an apt word for how she looked!!!! Said this before and if there's one thing I HATE more than anything else is how YT is getting bombarded with these 'short videos' and why not combine them all for a decent video?! So it makes it close to impossible to search for videos as someone like Yuki must have thousands of them over the last few months so am going to skip having one for her. It's mainly a huge problem for your more popular Idols.

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