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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Akari Suda: Just because I can never get enough of her.... the umpteenth version!


 Was giving myself a slight pat on the back yesterday for the posts that have been done this past month as all have been so large with often well over a hundred photos. Those kinds posts can't keep up so need to go back to having my more usual posts but and it's hard to say ones with 60-80 pics are small as they're not and is there a blog similar to this that has as much info and photos in a post? Probably not though have seen some blogs that cover Korean dramas, those reviews can be massive and and while all written well it can get tiring just reading print without a break for pictures.... especially for the woman who has had more posts here than anyone the last two years!!!!

 Akari with the more posts than any other woman the past two years is such a surprise, the total is forty and if you go back one more year she's had almost fifty! Going into 2022 Akari only had 22 posts and it was so hard to do them for her except for 2018 when she had seven and was in the second position on the yearly faves list. Besides 2018 she only averaged three posts year and that bummed me out as I have been so ga-go over Akari 😍 for a decade, longer than anyone else I still post about.

 It really is just a matter of time until Akari 😍 becomes my #1 woman of all time and in a way you could say she has been over the last three years. It's not official yet but it will be and during the second half of 2026 will do my next 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list and would be mildly surprised if she wasn't ranked #1. Which may make many of you readers roll your eyes as Akari is not all that popular here, for women who had six or more posts in 2023 her posts received the least amount of views though she was my number one Queen of the year! Last year Akari was second on the faves list and once again her posts received the least amount of views! However they went from an average of 328 views a post up to 380 views so that's about a 15% increase so lets try to get the number above 400 for this year.

 To qualify for the yearly faves list is easy as a woman just needs six posts which is just one every two months. In the period of 2020-23 around thirty woman qualified each year but only nineteen did last year and that number may drop in 2025. However if there is a list done this year the competition to be #1 will be a very close battle, Akari will of course be right there but there's at least three others who also want to be my Queen for the year and and can't go wrong with whoever I choose! So did say Akari has had more posts than anyone the last two years but this is just her third since December 1st which is when the 'Nao Year' begins. Was going to do a post right at the end of the month but want to see Akari's posts begin to increase so still may do one in a week, then about ten days later another and hope those plans don't make you viewers head for the hills....

 Akari's second photobook was released yesterday, there will be events on February 24 along with March 1st and 8th so that's why I think there could be at least two more posts coming up. Plus she will be at a March 2nd event for the M-League which is the pro Mahjong league in Japan. Akari is one very busy woman but does most of her activities in the Aichi/Nagoya area. That's where she hails from and still resides there and does a lot of promoting for the region plus is the co-host for at least three variety shows in that area. So while she could make more money and see a rise in her popularity if she moved to Tokyo you have to give Akari a round of applause for caring about her area and bet there aren't many other actresses or ex-Idols who emulate her.

 Sigh, won't bother to describe Akari's pics up until now as new superlatives need to be created for them! Lets get to thongs and often begin off with some older Akari monthly SKE cards, it being February that's what we have. But did notice that this month has by far the fewest cards of any month and that goes for other J-Pop groups too.

 Perhaps this month has fewer cards because it's also the time for Valentine's Day so have a few for the quasi holiday below. Most have been posted here before but three of the pics are new, the bottom one is my fave which is from 2023 and Akari didn't have any pics for the day this year.

 There's been two magazine spreads to promote the new photobook. Have posted both already but will have an encore viewing of the first spread as it was in a post done three months ago and is from the December 13th issue of Friday. Akari does have another mag spread coming out in a few days so hope to have that for her next post.

 "Pluie" is the title of Akari's second book, her first one that came out in 2018 is among my top ten of all time which is mighty impressive as I've posted about 400 regular photobooks. But the book only sold about 15,000 copies which was much lower than expected so I didn't think a second book would ever happen. However it does seem Akari's popularity has risen over the last 2-3 years so really hope this is a solid seller. She did release an essay book that also had some gravure photos back in November 2023 and that book was an unexpected high seller so maybe that's why there's this second regular photobook(?). Below are some promo pics for the book, a few are above but these are 'clean versions' with the top one being the cover,.... how about the second and third pics.... WOWOWOW!!!!

 Haven't done it with her last two posts but usually would end off with new photos from Akari's IG page and will return to that routine. Do it because her IG pics in my eyes are so tremendous and are often better than any mag spread or modeling photos. All these new pics from the past month are terrific with my fave being the first one, the bottom two are from the M-League show and did say she would be at an event on March 2nd for it, second pic is also from the show. There's no new videos for today and wish she would update her YT channel more often. So after the pics have a video from exactly a year ago when she appeared on the "Hamburger Master" show where Akari test drove a car as she had never bought one and the segment was on that show. But we never did hear if she bought a car and would have to say it never happened for there would have been a video of it at her YT channel plus photos at her IG page.

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