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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Natsumi Hirajima: Her second jubilant comeback post with oodles of treats....


 It may not have the most posts but February is turning out to be the best month I've had in a long time here. Wish there more(any) posts for actresses but as mentioned these days it seems gravure models are much more varied with their activities and though it may sound odd they are the smartest group I post about. Many have college degrees or are still attending a university, quite a few turned to gravure modeling to help pay the bills and some did become popular which is why they put their regular career on hold and continued as models. Won't reveal her name but sure you can figure it out and it's of a Nogi member whose graduation concerts are taking place this weekend. She hasn't had a post here for eons but she will have the final one of the month, may also have one other in March and then after that her third photobook so get that cold shower ready early!!!!

 A week ago did the first Natsumi post in almost five years and still not sure why they stopped. She had seven posts back in 2018/19 which were all immensely popular, her first comeback post has only drawn a fair amount of views and perhaps it's because new visitors are unsure of who she is. Natsumi was among the first members of AKB when they formed in 2005, she was with them until 2012 and though she's not a household name she has been among the most successful women to have graduated from the group. Natsumi has done a bit of everything with gravure modeling being what she's most known for but has also appeared in six movies, seven dramas, been in about 25 stage plays, has sung many theme sings for Animes and still releases songs which is very rate for ex-Idols. In May Natsumi will be hitting the age of 33 but still looks so mighty fine, there are so many things from the past five years to post about her but will spread them out a bit which will mean 2-4 posts a month.

 What's going to make these 'comeback posts' so terrific is that there will such a variety in them. Every post for the next month or so will be including magazine spreads, digital books, hotter than the sun trading cards, photos from her IG page and while none for today will also be having some pics from events. First off are these semi older IG photos from 2023, Natsumi is not a big poster of pics at her page. However she does upload some super duper ones and it's nice to see her dressed as a regular woman though as you can see she does have some pics from her photo shoots.

 Won't have any info for today but the bottom two pics above are from her voice acting ensemble He4ven though will in future posts. Don't know much about them but am hoping they also do gravure spreads and other things which may mean a group post could be done for them. In Natsumi's previous post mentioned how she loves cars and motorcycles, have a few pics of her below on a bike with the bottom two being of her doing actual driving. Four other gravure models I post about also are motorcycle fanatics and wonder why that would be?

 Natsumi has released six collections of trading cards so that must mean they've all been solid sellers, the cards have come out in 2014,2018 and each of the last four years. Here's some from her sixth collection that came out last August and will try to have some from all six sets.

 Naturally there's many magazine spreads from the past five years to post but probably won't end up having all of them and will have a pair for today. Natsumi isn't the cover girl too often but she did have the honor for this sweltering set from the July 2019 edition of Cyzo.

 The magazine she has appeared in the most and have also released most of her digital books is Friday. This set below is a bit newer and is from their March 22, 2024 issue as besides older pics will try to include some newer ones in these posts.

 Will end off with a Friday digital book that came out five years ago or to be exact January 31, 2020. What's a bit odd is that many of Natsumi's books for the magazine didn't have a spread to promote it such as this pictorial which has 52 photos. Did mention above how Natsumi is a motorcycle enthusiast, after the pics is a video from 2 1/2 years ago that she uploaded to her YT channel of her riding a bike with a mate of hers and the best part is when they visited a.... Sauna!!!!

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