Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Miku Kanemura: Hopefully she hasn't been forgotten about....
Have said this before and it makes me wonder if I'm in the minority or perhaps am I the only in that group?! Two posts below this is one for Miku Tanaka who was my #1 woman for 2024 and has an excellent shot as repeating this year, naturally I like her quite a bit and the posts for her are coming faster than ever! What makes me think I'm in the minority is that I do like this Miku much more and she's been my #1 current J-Pop Idol for the last two years. On the yearly faves list she was second in 2023, fourth in 2024 but will the days of such a high ranking be stopping in 2025????
For the posts have been slowing down for Miku, this is her first in ten weeks and it had been two months before that. She is a busy woman but we see so fewer magazine spreads featuring her, doesn't appear at as many events either with the main reason being the 4G gals were getting such a huge push from management for so long. Which hasn't paid off as there were four graduations two months ago and the remaining first generation members will be departing soon. Will confess that when a group has lost all of their 1G members I tend to lose some interest as the group usually has become too young but as far as Hina and Keya go their 2G members are a bit older and very likable which is why I still follow both groups though not as closely.
I do like Miku immensely and she just may be the most intelligent woman I post about, when watching their variety show it seems she can do just about everything. Yet is still very laid back and modest, she's been attending the Nihon University of Art to be a photographer though I prefer the photos taken of her and not the other way around! So while these posts for her will be slowing down a bit hopefully it won't be by too much and would still consider her to be my #1 current Idol. Was planning on doing this post a week from now as I presumed Miku and other Hina members would be at a fashion show this weekend but it doesn't appear as though it'll happen, three gals from Keya will be there. At one time Miku was popular here but the views for her last five posts have really dropped and could it be because of the lack of new gravure pics? That's the most likely answer and do wish women who don't do gravure photo shoots all that often were more popular here.
No birthday until early September, hard to believe she's only going to be turning 23. That event I just mentioned will be the Spring 'Tokyo Girls Fashion' show that will be held on March 1st, Miku and many other members always appear at those shows but for some unknown reason it doesn't seem they'll be there this weekend. So have some older pics from the Autumn 2023 TGC show that took place on September 2nd which was six days before her 21st birthday.
Haven't done a Hina group post in ten months and am gradually easing my way back into doing posts for Idols. Am planning on doing some group posts for Keya soon and perhaps even Hina though won't promise they'll be happening. Have some recent photos below from Miku's IG page though some are from a Bis photo shoot, they were at her page and not the magazine site. The bottom two are of Hina's current lineup though two members in the pics will be leaving soon....
That third to last photo above is for an upcoming special radio show of Miku's, she does host a weekly show but wish she would begin to do some acting. Did see her in the 2021 group drama "Koeharu!" and Miku did play a character who could be a bit unsavory and that's been the last Hina drama to date. Below are a few more pics from the Bis site as she will be the cover girl for their March issue, after them is a short video from the photo shoot and I give it a grade of an A+++++++!!!!
Hina's 13th single "Sotsugyou Shashin Dake ga Shitteru" was released on January 29th and in week one sales were 428,000 copies sold. The group is so consistent as far as sales go, that total was their lowest for first week sales since their eighth single but like every other one it did break 400K in copies sold and only once did they reach 500,000 in week one. Miku wasn't the center and has only had that honor once for their "Tteka" single which just may be my favorite A-side from Hina. There's been no new group cards since October so won't be able to have any for today, Valentine's just took place so here's some oldie pics for the occasion and how I wish she would knock at my door with some freshly baked steamy chocolate.... though as far as steamy goes Miku 😍 is right up there on my list!
At one time the web game 'Uni's on Air' used to release monthly promo pics for the game but got away from that schedule last April and the pics have been released sporadically since then. But do have ten terrific ones that came out in January, the game features the voices of Hina and Keya members. The bottom four aren't new but from last Valentine's Day and surprised there were no pics for this year.
Will end off with this spread from the January 15th issue of Weekly Shonen, bet she's been their cover girl a dozen times yet it seems this is the smallest of those spreads. This weekend will be posting a photobook from a recently departed second generation member and it truly is one of the best books from the past five years! Miku's book was also stupendous and wish she would have another as no Hina member has had a second, you readers enjoyed that book too as the post for it has close to 7,000 views! Hina has their own YT channel for members to upload personal videos of their 'adventures', have one after the magazine spread. However it's a group video showing how about ten members spent their New Year's holiday, Miku has the second segment which begins at the 1:28 mark. The video is long at 26+ minutes but is worth a watch as I had missed or forgotten about a few of the members.
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