Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Thursday, February 6, 2025
Kana Nakada: Her torrid 'Young Magazine' digital book plus much more!!!!
Yesterday said I had about thirty digital books that I had saved up over the last few months and you would be seeing about half of them in the next ten days while I finish off my moving and get settled in. Books are easier posts to do which is why you will be seeing many coming up but this post does have a bit of variety to it and so won't a few others. What pleases me with the books is that many are for medium sized favorites of mine who have never had a huge amount of posts and perhaps if they had more would be much larger favorites of mine. Kana fits that description to a T and did look back at her older posts and was surprised she had many more than I thought.
I had always liked Kana while she was with Nogi but will confess I didn't pay enough attention to her until about 2017 or when the group was five years old. There were other members who I liked more and the thing about Nogi's first two generations is that they had so many likable women so it was hard to follow all of them closely. But over the years or since 2017 I really began to take a liking towards Kana who I always thought was the Glue that held the group together as she was such a team player and was so well liked by her peers. Don't know how many others have noticed but sure a few have and that's of Kana's sizzling figure, other members may have gotten the publicity for their looks but her figure is one of Nogi's top five!
So if you are a Kana fan have some good news which is that in about two weeks will have another post for her and that too will have a digital book. Plus will have some other news and for today also have some bio info for the ultimate Idol Mahjong Player! It's been 4 1/2 years since she left Nogi, September 2020, and to me once the first two generations left I just can't get into the group as they're so young and wish they would change the names of groups once all the original members leave. Did say that Kana is a Mahjong player but it's more than that for she is a Pro and does co-host a show on the sport. Plus she hosts her own radio show but wish she would do more acting as she was so superb in the 2014 "Death Blog" movie and she had the lead role in it.
Hmmmm, if a normal picture is worth a thousand words how much is the above worth(?), WOWOWOWOWOW! For graduated Idols often have older group cards for the month we're in, of course it's February so below are for tuis month. For her next post will have some for Valentine's and have noticed there's been a big decrease in cards for all Idol groups since 2021.
Did say above and in her previous posts that Kana is one talented Mahjong player, the game in Japan is different than the one we play in America and over there the name of the game is Riichi. While not a superstar yet Kana has been doing well and is in the JPML, that's the pro league in Japan and you can find the English version of the league's site by searching with M-League Watch. On February 5th there was an event to promote her first ever book which is about Mahjong and it's for newbies to the game and she said it was written in a way where all will be able to understand the game better which I have noticed is popular among older Idols. Below are some pics from the event and after them is also a video of it, there are many videos on YT of her playing Mahjong.
That wasn't the most exciting of videos but one worth watching as it's easy to see why Kana is so likable and save for one no other Nogi first generation member outshines her! 😍 Kana's last post was done in November and had a pair of newish magazine spreads to promote her two digital books. Will have an encore version of one today which is from the September 30th issue of Young Magazine.
On to the digital book which was Kana's first ever and I would love to see her have a few more as doesn't she look so darn alluring? To me she does and this book was published by Young Magazine and was released on September 13th, it had the loose title of 'Last of my Twenties' for five weeks before she hit the age of thirty. This set contains 85 cold shower inducing photos and it's a shame there was no video to go with it, as a matter of fact think only a 2G member has ever had a gravure video and you will be seeing some posts for her coming up very soon.
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