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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, February 24, 2025

Hikaru Morita: Is once again hoping this post doesn't make you run for the hills!!!!


 This is only her seventh solo post and would have bet the house on it being at least ten so glad I'm not a betting man! Sure most viewers know how it's nice to take extended breaks from certain things whether it's the kind of music you listen to, what brand of beer you drink, the kinds of activities you do and of course there's too many things to list. When you return to that thing your mind is clear and you tend to enjoy that activity or whatever so much more. For me it's been two things, one are dramas from Japan and Korea as I had viewed over six hundred in the last fifteen years and was so tired of them. So at the end of October began a break so it's been four months and will be returning to them next month so sure(hope) my enthusiasm for them will have returned. The other is the world of J-Pop, I'll never be as huge of a fan as I once was but taking a break from it has really helped. Most of negative thoughts have left my mind, as you may have noticed been doing many more posts for current Idols and that will continue on for a while. But it is tougher doing posts for Idols these days plus so many of my massive faves have left their groups.

 These last two posts have gone from one extreme to the other! While the Nogi member in the next post may be the most popular Idol I've ever posted about Hikaru may be the most disliked here! Well, bet viewers don't dislike her but because she has never nor will ever do gravure photos many Keya fans skip over her posts and wish that didn't happen for those women who are conservative as she's not the only one. Have confessed before that when Hikaru first joined Keya I didn't care for her at all and it was mainly because she was the center for the first two singles after the name change to Sakura. I just felt some long time first generation members deserved the honor more but as time has gone on have changed my opinion and would consider her to be my second favorite current Keya gal. At 149 cm Hikaru is the shortest of any '46' group member but I think she would make for such a darn good girlfriend! She is cute to the Nth degree, is such a talented artist and has a wry sense of humor. I've been so curious about her the last few years and if you are a fan then expect another post next month, this one with eighty new pics is large but she will the cover girl for two upcoming magazines.

 This is no birthday post but as you can see above the balloon shows when her next birthday will be and this year will be hitting the age of 24. It won't be happening immediately but would like to return to having group posts for Keya and for some reason you viewers tend to enjoy those posts. A new team is subbing their 'Soko' variety show, once I can remember who it is will watch some recent episodes to recap and you can always let me know where to find them in the comment section. "Udagawa Generation" is the title of their latest single which is the eleventh since the name change to Sakura, it was released four days ago. For the fourth time Hikaru is the center, sales after days is about 455,000 copies sold and the group has become much more popular the last two years. Let's get to new things and below are some recent photos which are from her IG page, she also posts them at the group blog which is called 'Diary'.

 The bottom two pics above are of Keya's current lineup though the remaining first generation member is absent and will be graduating soon. These days there's fewer cards for all J-Pop groups but some still have a fair amount come out, however Keya is not among them as this is it for the last seven months.

 But at least Keya has a photo at their site to lead off every month that features a mini message from many members, this batch stretches backwards from February to August.

 Was planning on doing this post in about ten days as I figured Hikaru would be at the huge Spring 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show that will take place on March 1st. But as of now only one Keya member is scheduled to attend and also noticed there's zero from Hina so hope a few members are added in but there's less than five days to go. So will have a batch from Hikaru's last fashion show which she attended on October 19th which was the Autumn 'Girls Award' show. It was held at the Makuhari Messe Hall in Chiba and she took her stroll on the Ann Couture stage.

 At least her ex-Keya mate will be there and do I miss doing posts for her as she hasn't had one on over two months and will confess her graduation is what turned me off from Keya for so long....


 Right above is also another long time massive fave who has semi-disappeared, she hasn't had a post for eight months! The days of there being monthly promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' game no longer happens but do have some sharp looking ones that hadn't been posted. There's four pics for each month which in order are for January, December, October and September with the bottom four being from a year ago and added them in for it was just Valentine's Day. It's been eons since there was a photobook for a Keya member, well four months that is but that was the only one for 2024. Wonder if Hikaru has ever been offered the chance to do a book and bet she has but turned it down for as I mentioned in the beginning she doesn't do gravure photos and that is one more reason why I do like her quite a bit.

 Hikaru will be the cover girl for two upcoming magazines and that often happens when a group has a new single. Will end off with a pair of spreads that hadn't been posted before with the first being from the November 13th issue of Weekly Shonen Champion, Keya's tenth single "I Want Tomorrow to Come" was released three weeks before the magazine.

 Final set of pics for today is this brand new spread from the March 5th issue of Weekly Shonen Sunday, she's the cover girl once again. Hikaru has had that honor so often for the three Weekly Shonen editions and so haven't a few members from Hina. Keya has their own YT channel so members can upload their own videos though often it features more than just one member. Hikaru is a huge Anime and Manga fan, the video after the pics has her with a 3G mate visiting Animate to do some shopping. These videos are fun but wish a few were subbed though for the most part you can understand what is taking place.

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