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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Saeko Kondo: Her blistering 'STRIKE!' magazine digital book plus other goodies!!!!


 These digital book posts have proven to be much more than just the book as the majority should have many other activities. That pleases me as I hate to become one dimensional even though it would just be for a short while. As many viewers know I had become such a big fan of BababaBambi and still am though my favorite member left last July. My second top member has been Saeko and she seems like such a likable woman, not too young either as she will be hitting the age of 28 in less than five months so how much longer will she be with the group?

 Will confess that I have had such a crush on Saeko for a while and she's another shortie as her height is just 149 cm and BababaBambi has some shortish members. The group, along with #2i2 is part of the Familia agency and so aren't a few popular gravure models who I post about. The activities for all are often sporadic but this is a busier period so expect at least one more post for a BababaBambi member before the month is out. Can't recall the exact details for it's been deleted at her Ja.Wiki page and that's of Saeko attending school for a very hi-tech Math degree, I think she did graduate but hasn't put that degree to work yet but she always has something to fall back on.

 Have been wanting to do a group post for BababaBambi but that hasn't been possible for a while and those posts have been very popular with you viewers. The group does perform at many concerts but have really slowed down on releasing new music, the bottom pic below is the current seven person group. These photos are from Saeko's IG page and the top two pics are from her first regular photobook that was released on January 22nd, not many for today but Saeko does love to post many pics of her cosplaying.

 Don't know what the first week sales were for the book as Oricon hasn't updated their charts this week. On January 22nd Saeko did hold an event to promote the book at the HMV Bookstore in Shibuya and isn't she quite the cutie! The photo shoot took place in Nagasaki which isn't too far from her home base of Kumamoto and her last post had some outtake pics from the book.

 Way back on February 7th or exactly a year ago the J-Poppers from Familia had a special STRIKE! magazine edition and have posted most of the spreads from it. All were teamed up with some member from a different group and Saeko was with a gal from Yoyoyo who is someone I had forgotten about and think soon you may be seeing her first ever post here and bet she would be popular. There had been a video of this photo shoot on YT but it was deleted, that's a shame as Saeko doesn't have many gravure ones.

 What was extremely odd is that the spreads were promoting digital books yet they came out much later than the magazine. The first one came out in July or five months after the magazine(!), Saeko's book was released on October 4th or eight months later! After these sweltering(to me!) pics have the video for BababaBambi's latest single "DE-A-RU-KA!!!" which was their first after increasing to seven members, the tune is very upbeat and fun. Saeko used to be in an Idol group called FES✰TIVE and they have many videos on YT.

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