Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Maria Makino: Now has the top post of the year(!).... part one?....
Have part one in the title as I am really praying that there can be another post in about three weeks and how I have missed doing them for her! Last year Maria only had three posts and was I bummed out about that, her last was done three months ago and did title that saying There was no woman who I had missed doing posts for that year. Which is so true for if Maria 😍 could ever get back to the level she was once at with activities she'd be in the running to be my #1 woman of all time and have said that here and there in her posts. Do have that rule about not posting about someone until they're 22 in age but made an exception for her as Maria's first post was done exactly three years ago or about a week after her 21st birthday.
From about 2019 until mid-2023 Maria was a very busy woman as she did so much modeling, mostly gravure but also regular modeling. To me she was the most popular member of Morning Musume so it baffled me to why her activities have decreased so much over the last 1 1/2 years. There were a pair of long time members who had graduated so they were in the spotlight for a while and that was fine by me as I did like both of them quite a bit. However in my eyes Maria is one of a kind and do realize that no woman is a perfect ten or at least of those who I post about. But will confess that of all of the hundreds of women who have posts here Maria 😍 is as close to a TEN as I ever and will ever see! So it does disappoint me that more posts haven't been possible for her over the last eighteen months as she truly is someone who could top every kind of list I create....
Gulp, while a 10/10 could describe her shouldn't Maria's grade be closer to a hundred, whew! This will be a biggish post but could have made it a bit larger, Maria needs more posts here so the plan is to have another in about three weeks. Another thing I haven't done is a group post for Morning Musume who I still like quite a bit and four months ago they finally had their own variety show begin. The title is "Happy Daisakusen" which airs every other week and it's a nice change from '46' variety shows so will work on doing a few recaps for that along with a MM group post. Hmmmm, once again is a 10/10 high enough for Maria 😍 and I could gape at photos like these all day long, sigh....
Let's get some new things and there are a lot for today but not as much as there should have been considering Maria's last post was done three months ago. It being February 11th have some older MM pics for Valentine's Day, at one time Hello Project groups had more cards than any others but these days it seems the groups have less than any others....
Do have many recent pics from Maria's IG page which she also posts at the group Ameba blog. The bottom pics are for the current lineup of Morning Musume and I vow to work on doing more posts for them as the members have been getting older plus one long time fave will be departing soon. All the photos are top notch but especially the first two, the fifth is of Maria celebrating birthday #24.
Not positive but think at 165.5 cm in height Maria is the tallest current Morning Musume member, don't know if it's the Idols who I have been posting about but doesn't it seem as though Idols are a bit shorter than they once were? Maria had a streak from 2016 until 2023 for releasing a photobook which was often on her February 2nd birthday and she had ten books in those eight years. But in 2024 that streak came to an end as there was no book and why would that be(?), as I keep moaning about why have her activities dropped instead of rising? There has been one mini mag spread to promote it which is from the February 18th issue of Flash.
Maria was the cover girl for another magazine that came out two weeks ago but don't have it yet. But will soon so that will be something that you will be seeing in her next post and how I truly hope we can get back to having a post a month for her. So with the above being the only recent mag spread how about going back in time with this ultra tremendous set which is from the December 2023 issue of UTB, Maria has been their cover girl about ten times.
WOWWWWW, above you can see why a grade of 10/10 may be too low for Maria! Hopefully Maria has started a new streak as far as photobooks go as her eleventh one "Maria 24 tuo i" was released on February 2nd which was her 24th birthday. As you can tell by the title the photo shoot took place in Vietnam and it was the first time she had traveled there, her previous book was set in Guam. The day after her birthday there was an event for the book at the HMV Bookstore in Shibuya where they held a party for her and as you can see Maria is still such a huge Baseball fan. Spring training starts soon and the last two years she has been a regular reporter for a Baseball show, Maria also hosts two radio shows so she is busy but those activities aren't ones you can post about.
Those are some super duper pics above, granted I prefer seeing Maria 😍 dressed a bit scantly but she looks so perfect no matter how she's dressed! Will end off with some outtake/promo pics from the "Maria 24 tuo i" photobook, the two locations in Vietnam where the pictures were taken were Da Nang and Hoi An. The top two are the covers and doesn't this appear as though it may be her best book to date which is truly saying something, my personal favorite is the fifth photo. After the pics is a video of the above event, in Maria's next post will have some screenshots from the DVD that comes with the book which I don't have yet but should very soon.
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