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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Marina Nagasawa: Her searing "GJ" photobook scans from September 2022 plus a few more goodies....


 Exactly a month ago had a post for Marina which has seen a decent amount of views though thought the total would be much higher. For her previous thirteen posts have received such a huge amount of views it's mind boggling, the average view count is over 8,000 and no other woman comes close to that average. That last post was the first for Marina in well over five years and she's another enigma as why did I stop posting about her in 2019? Once again can't recall Why? but there had been a stretch of when I was getting tired of doing posts for gravure models and it easily could have been back in 2019.

 So for a while will do a post for Marina every 3-4 weeks to catch up on the many things that had been missed from mid 2019 up until now. There is quite a bit but not as much as you would think and it appears Marina is slowing down slightly with her gravure work. Which does make sense as she will be hitting the age of thirty later on this year though she does much more than gravure modeling such as being an actress, radio show host plus has passed the test to be a pro Mahjong player but Marina hasn't taken that up full time yet.

 Marina is known for her huge upper half body as she is just 153 cm in height but these days I've noticed so many J-Pop Idols who are even shorter than her. Hmmmm, don't know if it's true but it seems the last 3-4 years Idols have become much shorter as many are below 150 cm in height yet all have proportions which defy physics!!!! Do have a few other things besides the book such as these IG pics from the past month, you can see a few are for X-Mas and for the holiday Marina did vacation in Taiwan.

 Of course there's many magazine spreads over the five years without any posts for Marina and will be getting to most of them. For today have a pair from Big Comic Spirits and this first one is from their May 21, 2018 issue which may have posted but sure most had forgotten about it.

 Second BCS spread is from their December 2, 2019 edition and know this had never been posted before. Marina was the cover girl for both spreads so why weren't they larger?

 On to this GJ digital book that the WPB magazine released on September 9, 2022 and contains 58 scorching photos, she is a bit thinner than you would think. Marina has a younger sister who is also a gravure model and the pair do have two books together so may have one or both in the future. Instead of having a video after the pics will have the link to her YT channel as there are so many interesting videos there and you can choose which ones you want to view: Marina's YT channel

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