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Friday, September 20, 2024

Asuka Kawazu: A trio of heart attack inducing magazine spreads yet once again....


 .... very little else. Besides her magazine spreads and digital books appearing on such a sporadic basis there's one other reason for the posts being so few and far between. Which is except for gravure pics there's seldom anything else to post about Asuka for she doesn't have an IG page, her own(fan) site nor appears at many events. Surprised about the last activity as you would think Asuka would be taking strolls on the catwalk at those huge fashion shows but those strolls have been very rare.

 Also rare have been modeling pics though she is a model for the Bis site but we don't see too many of those pics. Asuka does seem to be fairly popular so why hasn't she taken advantage of that and been a bit busier the last 2-3 years? She does appear in many dramas and I was first introduced to her in the 2020 "Kamen Rider: Saber" series plus have seen her in at least two other shows. Guess there's nothing wrong with being busy as an actress but know viewers would like to see more Asuka books and mag spreads as she is so immensely popular here, you could almost call her a superstar!

 Am really just going to have those trio of magazine spreads mentioned n the title but they do total up to be 45 pics and all are new for here. So while I have seen Asuka in at least three dramas none since the Spring of 2023 and there just isn't enough time to view all that I would like to. That last drama was "Akai Ringo" and have to admit that was one of the more racier shows I've ever seen though Asuka's character was a subdued one. Her co-star in that series was Yume and that was her last regular drama role as her scenes were anything but subdued and I was shocked she would do a role such as that one, wonder if that show had anything to do with her retiring from show biz back in March? Bet it did and how I miss doing posts for her, know viewers miss those also and most of the below pics are of the two from the drama.

 Of the three magazine spreads two are new and one is much older, that will be the second one for this post. First off is this new set of Asuka's from the October 10th issue of WPB and they combined two issues, think it's promoting a new digital book and we need more of them from her.

 Did say I would be on the hunt for Asuka's first ever gravure spread and did find it, 99.8% sure it had never been posted before. This first ever spread is from the January 27, 2020 issue of WPB and she's appeared n that magazine far more than any other one. So this batch of pics is over 4 1/2 years older than the above set, to me there's not much difference in her looks for that span of time.

 Will end off this somewhat post with this mini spread from the August 12th edition of Big Comic Spirits and Asuka was their cover girl. After the pics is a stupendous video of the photo shoot which is required viewing for all of Asuka's fans!!!!

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