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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Kyoko Saito... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, September 2, 2024

Yui Oguri: Yet another favorite the sinister Dr. Nao has risen from their tomb....


 Could have also added into the title Has she been forgotten about but perhaps not as surprisingly her posts have only been so-so popular here with previous post being dead last as far as the amount of views it's received! That post was done eight months ago for Yui's 22nd birthday and though I have been trying to have less posts for those under the age of 25 she is an exception. As a matter of fact think there's only one woman younger than Yui who I post about but I really like the way she looks and obviously it's been so difficult to do posts for her as this is her first in eight months. But have been doing some posts for a pair of other AKB gals and while it will never be like the old days when I was a huge fan think certain members such as Yui are overall better women compared to those during the group's 2010-15 heyday.... when you look back at those older members who left a decade or so ago many haven't aged well as far as what kind of persons they've become....

 Sigh, have done a good amount of 'Pairs Posts' over the years but not one for a while. Seems these days you seldom see mag spreads, modeling and event pics featuring a pair of women like you did years ago so that's a shame as those posts have always been popular with you viewers. When I looked at that above photo realized that there's never been a pairs post with two women who share the first name and perhaps it was never possible? So if you are one of Yui's few fans here do have many new pics for today and could have made this larger but am holding back some things as I'd rather not have another long gap between posts but when that happens it's not because of me. First off are these recent pics from Yui's IG page and the bottom ones are from the AKB Theater. It's located in Akihabara and yesterday the theater closed for the first time ever for renovations but will be reopening on December 8th which will be for its 19th anniversary, there were 6,552 shows at the old theater.... that top pic gets a grade of A++++ from me!

 This is it as far as recent AKB cards go which are ones from June and cards for all groups have slowed down the last few years. AKB has had two singles to date this year and gone are the days when they would sell well over a million copies but those figures were really inflated due to gimmicks. To me their worst songs ended up being their best sellers and those were the singles from 2015-18. These days the singles are selling between 400-500,000 copies which is respectable and think their songs from the past two years are much better than the ones from the previous four years.

 Though I never recapped the drama did view Yui in the 2018 "Majimuri Gakuen" series which she had the lead role in. The show was decent enough but can't do posts for everything I view and has that been the last regular AKB drama to date? "Subarashiki Kana, Sensei!" is her latest show that began on August 18th and just can't decide on whether I will view it or not. It does star an huge ex-Nogi fave of mine but still am unsure though only three episodes have aired so still have time for my decision and I usually don't view dramas until they're complete. Below are some terrific photos from the Cinema Life site for an interview Yui did for the drama and have the link to the site where there's also a short promo video for it: Cinema Life interview

 Yui does do some regular modeling but won't have any of those pics for today and though odds are not high it'll be possible am saving things for another post that could be done soon. This weekend the Autumn 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show will be held but she never makes an appearance at those. But that's not the case for the 'Girls Awards' shows and next month think they have their Autumn show so would expect Yui to be at that. Have two batches here from their Spring show that was held on May 2nd, her first stroll was on the Royal Party stage.

 The strolls these days on the stages seem to be much shorter than they once were for everyone so there's never enough photos. Which is a shame as I really like the way Yui looks at events like this and nice to see Idols who are a tad conservative and for the most part AKB is these days compared to years ago. Her second stroll at the show was on the Olive Spa stage.

 Did say Yui was a bit conservative and she is even though she did have a photobook which I thought was fabulous and also way too underrated. It was released in January 2022 so it's getting close to three years since it came out so wouldn't that be a terrific time for Yui's second book?! It would be to me and here's a mini spread promoting it from the December 24, 2021 issue of Friday.

 Will end off with this stupendous new magazine spread and though it may be hard to believe it's her first solo one of the year! Yui is the cover girl for the September 10th issue of Flash, four of the pics are from the photo shoot and the spread is for her tenth anniversary as an AKB member. Will skip having a video as there aren't many decent recent ones but also because I'm so tired of dealing with YT as that site has gone so far downhill and to say it takes eons to find videos is an understatement....

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