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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Miku Tanaka: Her slightly belated.... 'Happy 23rd Birthday' post.... part one?


 Six days late with this post as birthday #23 took place on the 12th. However it's a good thing I waited for all of today's 55+ pics have come out since then(!) so if a post was done on the 12th it would have been a very tiny one. Hmmmm, you can use the word Tiny for Miku's height but not for certain other things.... gulp! In the title did put part one? so obviously that means there could be a part two. And there will be for I will end off the month with her and it should be another post with ~55 new pics.

 Right above is an outtake pic for her second photobook, know that leaves me speechless and how about you???? Have talked a bit more about this year's faves list recently and why not as it would start up in ten weeks. Was at a loss on who may be #1 for the year as there was no front runner but there has been and for a while didn't want to admit it. Who is Miku and let's face it, she is currently so far in front of everyone else and it'd be such a shocker if she wasn't my Queen for 2024! This is her twelfth post of the year and see no signs of them slowing down, there will be that one to end the month plus she does have a few magazine spreads coming up and who knows what else. Miku has been a huge fave of mine for three years and had said even though she was a popular Idol bet that level would increase if she left HKT, has she proved me right with that decision!

 Not going to have any new birthday or IG pics for today but will in Miku's next post, this one just has four sections but there are a slew of new photos. First off is this batch of pics from TheTV.jp site and there's plenty more there. These are from an interview Miku did for her second photobook and of course the interview was to promote the book but she did discuss many other things such as her acting career and leaving HKT, here's the link to it: TheTV.jp site

 The book was released on September 12th which was also the date of Miku's 23rd birthday. Two days after that there was an event for it at the HMV store in Shibuya, tickets for it sold out in a matter of minutes. The photo shoot took place in Australia and I hope the sales are high for this book as it's close to being my number one of the year and is much better than her first one that came out in 2021.

 Will just have one new magazine spread for today, am holding back one mini one for that next post. In 2021/22 Miku had won esteemed awards for being the Idol to appear on the most magazine covers, she didn't make it a hat trick last year. Of course because of her HKT graduation she's no longer an Idol but is vying to be the gravure model for 2024 with the most mag covers and she just may be #1 to date. This huge spread is from the September 23rd issue of WPB, it features outtake pics from Miku's photobook and also a digital version of it.

 The WPB magazine was the publisher for Miku's second photobook, on the same day it was released so wasn't a digital version that has entirely different pics. But as is the case for most books will wait a while before posting it but here's some scorching photos from it, at 110 pics this is one of the largest digital books I've seen. This has the same title of the regular book which is "Kimama ni", after the pics is a short video of Miku promoting the book and also a DVD that will be coming out. 

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