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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Kyoko Saito... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, October 11, 2024

Rika Izumi: Her.... 'Happy 36th Birthday' post.... part one????


 This isn't turning into a blog for senior citizens(!) but the last two posts have been for the oldest women who have posts on a semi-consistent basis. Their two ages add up to be 82 years old or an average of 41 yet you don't need the fingers on both hands to count how many more attractive women there are in the world than them!!!! Did title this post Part One as though I knew Rika's 36th birthday was approaching didn't work hard enough on this though then again there are over forty new pics. So will continue getting some new things and hope to have another post in 2-3 weeks.

 So if another post is done then that would still only make it five for Rika this year which would mean her streak of appearing on the yearly faves list would come to an end. She's made the list seven consecutive years which is a record and five of those years she made the top six so obviously when I talk about my all time favorite women 😍 not many have topped her! Though Rika is now 36 in age, for once did a birthday post on time, she hasn't slowed down too much and wish others a decade younger would follow her work ethics. Granted she no longer does gravure modeling but that's okay to me as she left us some overly sweltering photos from 2016-19 and her regular modeling pics beat the photos of others who have to dress so scantly. Rika has been doing much more acting the last four years and these days usually has a large roles in the dramas she appears in. I've seen her in five dramas but not her last three but that's not her fault as the shows do look good but my tastes in things has changed over the last year or so and much prefer watching much older dramas and films.

 Let's get right to things, did begin on a new old Tokusatsu series last night and want to begin writing that first recap up. One thing Rika does not do so well is posting IG photos as they come in batches from her, sometimes there's so few and that's been the case lately. So will skip having any and hopefully will have some for that upcoming post, below are some older birthday pics with the bottom three being from when she hit the age of thirty.

 Rika has slowed down slightly with her modeling the last two years though very few women do as much as she does. So of course every post will have some of those kinds of pics and below are some recent ones for Apuweiser, it's not just the quantity but the quality of the modeling pics as no one ever tops hers....

 My favorite modeling pics are from Stola but this is it as far as new pics go at their site. However they are for their Winter collection which means there should be a whole slew of them coming out at their site soon and perhaps when that happens is when her next post will be done.

 One site you can always depend in for new Rika modeling photos is Oggi and she's been a model for them for over five years, below are pics from August and September. No event pics for today which is a shame as no one top her looks at events and there has been a shortage of those the past two years.

 Have one final set of modeling pics though these are older and much more steamy than the above ones! These perfect pics are seven years old and from Amphi which is a lingerie site, on occasion you do see actresses 35+ in age release a photobook and why not Rika as she still is so much more alluring than women over a decade younger!

 Have a much older spread here that's from the January 16, 2018 issue of Young Jump and there's a very good reason for having it again.

 That was the fourth time Rika had been the cover girl for Young Jump, he fifth time wasn't until their latest issue that's dated for October 24th!!!! The magazine is celebrating their 45th anniversary and have featured some of their more popular cover girls from the past, she has appeared in the magazine more than five times. Though there's no gravure photos this spread to me is one of the year's best and how I've missed seeing her appear in magazines. She does on occasion but usually for the site she's a model for. Rika has never had a gravure video, the closest she came was a short promo one for her second photobook that came out in 2020 and that video is after this tremendous spread.

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