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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Kyoko Saito... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, December 21, 2024

Manami Hashimoto: Her blazing June 2017 'Flash' digital book plus a few other tidbits....


 Just about done with setting things up with this used yet new for me laptop. It truly has been a case of Night and Day as far as speed goes, can't believe what a difference there is. But that should have been expected as my other one was almost a dozen years old and not that I'm pushing Dell laptops but they seem to be so much better than other brands. Do have one question, asked it at the Chrome Help Center but haven't had any answers and perhaps does any viewer know? This screen is bigger so while the font size is the same the text looks smaller. Can always adjust the size to 110/125 % at each site and that's what I did for this post. But do I have to always do that, is it possible to increase the font size to one of the two mentioned and leave it that way permanently? There may not be and that's why no one responded to my question but you wonder what do people with vision problems do? Which in a way has become a problem with me, may have 20/20 vision for anything over four feet away but viewing things closer than that has become an issue.

 Er, least there are some things I can see well clearly.... wowowowow!!!! Didn't realize I had done a post for Manami just a week ago but had worked on this and no other so it was too late to change my plan. Which I'm sure doesn't bother most viewers as Manami is so popular here, even though she had no posts for four years the other three done for her the past month have all drawn a high amount of views. No sense explaining the gap in posts and what she's been doing over the last four years as all that info is in those previous posts. The main bit of info is that Manami could be my all time favorite gravure model 😍, no lower than second and at the age of forty she still looks so tremendous. 

 Manami's last regular photobook came out in January 2020, can't remember but think it may have been my top book of the year and also her best one ever. At the time she was 35 in age yet looked a thousand times better than almost all women a decade younger than she was, this past August she hit the age of forty. Have a few other things besides the book, thought some regular photos would be a nice change of pace. For all you really see here at Manami's gravure pics and why not as she has such a terrific figure!!!! But she also looks so darn good dressed as a civilian(?) and the pics below are from her IG page from the Spring of 2022 which were a few months before her 38th birthday.

 Manami did get married at the age of 35, that was in November 2019 and about two years later retired from gravure modeling. It's rare to see any woman do that kind of modeling after the age of thirty but as I've gushed about before Manami looked better than ever after hitting that age! Don't think that's just me with that opinion, bet if you compare her photos of when she was 34 to the age of 24 you would agree with me. Another bonus for this post is a pair of older magazine spreads that had never been posted, first up is this set from the November 22, 2016 issue of Flash so it's over eight years old.

 The other spread as Manami as the cover girl for the February 7, 2017 issue of SPA! and though it's only been about eight years it seems mag spreads these days are just so much larger.

 On to the finale and main reason for this post which is Manami's book for the Flash magazine that came out in June 2017. Digital books back then were usually referred to as Pictorials, this set contains 53 photos and the size of these have also increased over the last few years. Not going to have any videos but do recommend checking out the ones Manami has on YT, there's so many and most are too alluring to describe.... do have a few more books and spreads to post, will take a two week break and get back to them in January.

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