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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Iori Sagara: A potpourri of this and that's....


 Am winding down on that cache of books I had built up, began with thirty or so and save for Iori and one other gal am just about done posting them. Have three more of Iori's to post, a pair from late last year and also a semi recent one. But she's had or will have another trio coming out so it appears the posts for her won't be slowing down for a while and she just may have the most posts of anyone for the second year in a row which has only happened once before. Once again may make this a one post day and at times I can get a bit tired of doing them which has happened the last few days.

 Was hoping to begin off with some new photos from Iori's IG page as her pics there are usually so tremendous. However she hasn't posted too many as of late so instead will start off with a batch of Nogi cards for March, compared to most grads Iori has the least of them for she was the first second generation member to depart and that was almost seven years ago.

 Speaking of Nogi a few days ago said I would do some sort of list for my favorite photobooks and they've had too many terrific ones to count! In an oddity the member with the most books wouldn't qualify for the list and of course am referring to Iori. She never did have one while with Nogi and actually her first gravure photos didn't come out until five years after she left the group.... as they say, the rest is history. Will have a trio of magazine spreads for this post and this first one is brand new with it featuring Iori as the cover girl of the March 7th issue of Young Gangan.

 For no reason except for the fact it's a darn stupendous spread will have this Iori set from last July 26th's issue of Young Animal. I've been posting more spreads for a second time as it's a shame after a few months they're forgotten all about but also I bet many of you have never seen them before.


 Iori does have a pair of newer spreads which are a bit too small but you will be seeing them before the month ends. Have one other oldie set that's from last June's edition of Bubka and it was promoting a digital book.

 But Iori's book wasn't released for another four months, October 15th to be exact and think there's just one more 2024 book to post after this. Bubka doesn't have many of these books or at least compared to other magazines but all have been fabulous, especially the ones for the BababaBambi members! Will skip having a video as there was none from this book's photo shoot, Iori used to post so many at her YT channel but it's been over four months since her last video.

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