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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Yuka Kohinata: Her overly tantalizing "Nice to meet you" photobook.... a repost....


 **** Here's something I seldom ever do, have done a fair amount of reposts but rarely for this reason. The original post was done in October 2022 and as of today hadn't even received 1,500 views! That's so baffling to me as Yuka is popular here so bet many of her fans didn't even know this ultra steamy book had been posted. Was planning on doing another of her 'comeback posts' today but can hold off on that for just a tad longer. Most of the text below is exactly what was in the original post and of course the photos are the same.

 This is Yuka's first regular photobook, in it's first week out it made the top ten in sales selling 1,700 copies. But as I've mentioned in some Keya posts Oricon doesn't count all sales, sure the total sold to date is much higher. On a side note this is Yuka's fifth post for 2022, one more and she qualifies for the yearly fave's list. Not that she would make the top sixteen but the more to qualify the better and just because someone doesn't make the list doesn't mean I don't like them.

 I do like Yuka quite a bit and so don't many out there as for the first time her last post hit that section for most popular posts of the last month. This book was released on September 2nd and the photo shoot took place in Okinawa, not a huge book at 86 pics but are they sweltering! On a current note there have been a few recent magazine spreads so will be adding them into Yuka's upcoming posts which will still focus on what hadn't been posted in the two year without nay posts.

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