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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, February 9, 2018

Erika Toda: Few recent mag spreads and much more....

 Didn't check but bet July was the last time for an Erika post, naturally would love to do more but there's been very little going on with her until lately. However will promise that there will be many more posts for her coming up. The pics on some of Erika's very old posts have been deleted thanks to the conniving ways of useless 'free' picture sites, had started to re-post them but forgot all about it until now so will be working on that project. That CM at the top is for Acuvue and is from August.
 Would think most know where the name of this blog came from, though I'm not too fond of multiple seasons a third one for "Liar Game" is one I would be thrilled with. Can't say I was that way for "Code Blue 3", watched the first four episodes and thought to myself it's exactly like the first two seasons, just different patients and slightly different storylines. It was kind of popular though not as much as the first two seasons, but enough fans enjoyed it as there will be a cinema movie of it this year and it appears there's one main reason for that....

 There is a drama I'm looking forward to and will make another promise which is to recap the whole series. Title of it is "Gakeppuchi Hotel" which will be Erika's next drama and it looks to be a promising show. It's not starting until April so not much news is out for it yet, went to the show's website but not much there but will keep all of her dwindling fan base updated on the drama. These were the only two pics at the site but do have a video at the bottom for the drama.

  Erika used to do such an excellent job with her Instagram account. Say used to as she's really slipped the past two months, these here are from October 31st until early December and in a few of the pics you can see she took a trip to the mainland.

 Would think with the new drama beginning in two months we'll be seeing many more Erika mag spreads along with web interviews and a couple of events for the series. There have been a good amount of recent spreads though all of them have been way too small, remember the days when her sets were ten pages or more? I do so it's a shame this first one only has three pages and is from the November issue of Spur, least the pics are oki doki.

 Second spread is another way too small collection which is from the November Ginza.

Third set is from the December 1st edition of The Television, bottom four are from their site.

 Two more to go with this spread being from the January issue of My Network.

 Final set is brand new from the March edition of Steady.

 As is the case with so many of my long term faves Erika will be hitting the age of thirty this year, there has to be seven or more that will be celebrating the big 3-0 this year. Do prefer posting about older gals as you may have noticed as most of the new faves I've introduced the past few months have usually been 25 or older.
 Seems the main problem is too many aren't as active when they get older, none of those faves have gotten married or had children but when you're popular for a long time sure that bank account has gotten hefty. After these pics have a video worth viewing for the "Gakeppuchi Hotel" drama that aired last week, kind of looking forward to the show even more after watching it. Mentioned Erika will be hitting thirty this year, for a while she had lost too much weight but seems to be looking much better the last couple months and have some ultra superb pics from the past decade.


  1. It seems like after all of the SPEC movies were finished, she has slowed down a lot in the past five years. I'm just excited for a new drama and plan on binge watching some of her dramas this summer once work slows down.

  2. This new drama to me looks like it could be her best one since "Shoten In Michiru no Mi no Uebanashi" which aired in 2013, that's been her best series since the beginning of the decade. Close to that one is "Kagi no Kakatta Heya" and wouldn't mind seeing a second season of that show.
    None of her other dramas since 2013 or when 'SPEC' ended have been bad, all are worth viewing but none of them are in the same league as her best ones.

    1. I really liked Shoten In Michiru no Mi no Uebanashi because I became a huge fan of Matsuda Shota through Liar Game and Take Emi is one of my favorites. (I just hope she doesn't stop her career like Making did.)

      I'm surprised Kagi no Kakatta Heya hasn't had a second season yet. After they did the special, I was expecting another season.
