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Monday, February 19, 2018

Nogizaka46: Some.... Mai Fukagawa(?) current happenings!!!! part one

 While one key graduate seems to be gaining some steam in her acting career the other irreplaceable member has disappeared off the face of the Earth. Of course it's Mai who has been working very hard lately on her acting career, tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of her mate's(Nanami) departure but doubt if we'll have a moment here to mourn her loss.
 Guess having Nogi in the title wasn't needed but thought it would garner a few more views for Mai, think she's been busier lately than all of the Nogi members combined save for one. Called this part one as the 50+ pics today are all very recent and there's many other activities from the past few months to post about.

 Those above two pics are form Mai's only photobook 'Zutto' which came out a few months before her June 2016 graduation, hard to believe it's been almost two years since she's departed. Always liked Mai when she was in Nogi, thought she should have been the group's Team Leader. However never thought she was that attractive at the time but since she's left the group think her looks have really improved, she looks ultra fine to me these days.
 At the top of the post is a trailer for the film "Our Blue Moment" which had it's premiere on Saturday, more info below. Mai has the lead role in the movie, it's the first time she's had that honor in a film or drama. Many interviews were dome promoting the movie and will have more in her next post(s), these are brand new from the Modelpress site. Perhaps it's me but she really reminds me Yuko face wise in these new pics.

 When Mai was in Nogi don't ever recall her being on the cover of a magazine. But she does for both of today's spreads with the first being from the February edition of Camera Man.

 Second cover issue is from the February 15th issue of Tokyo Walker Plus.

 When Mai was in Nogi she was their oldest member, she'll be hitting the age of 27 on March 29th. The "Our Blue Moment" film had it's premiere on the 17th at the Ion Theater in Chofu, Mai looked quite oki doki to me at the event. The film had it's first showing at the 'Tokyo International Film Festival' back in October, it's a romance story but after viewing the trailer it seems to be an interesting film and not too sappy. Many fine looking pics from Saturday's premiere here followed by a video of the event.


  1. No more Nanami so doushitaraiindaaaaaaaa(above trailer ref)
    Now you got me thinking of another name we haven't heard in a while and that's Hinako Kitano, wonder how she's holding up. By the time she comes back, 4 members won't be there 😢

  2. Was just thinking about Hinako a bit earlier tonight and her current situation is still unknown. She went out on a medical leave at the end of October but except for a few blog entries saying she's doing well there's been zero news.
    Actually one bit of news was that the popular Zipper magazine has stopped printing and Hinako was an exclusive model for them. Guess that means we won't see her at future fashion shows and sadly what a drop she's taken this past year or so.
