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Monday, February 26, 2018

Erika Toda: Lancome press conference pics from February 26th

 Been a while since there's been two Erika posts in a month but would think you'll be hearing much more from her soon. No new news has come out recently but Erika's next drama "Gakeppuchi Hotel" will be beginning in April and to me it seems it's going to be her best series in years. Should be a few events, mag spreads and interviews for the show coming up starting next month which I can't wait for as Erika these days looks better than she has in a long, long time.

 Those are two pics from a WWD Beauty interview that came out today and it's quite a long one that's worth reading as though Erika has probably lost some fans sure she still has quite a few of them. At the very top of the post is a short Erika promo video for 'Happy Women's Day 2018'.
 That takes place on March 8th and sure all fans are hoping she'll be at another event that day. The interview may have taken place right after this event which was held today as Erika was chosen by the French beauty company Lancome to be their first Japanese ambassador the special day. Also the brand chose for the first time woman actresses from China and Korea to be special ambassadors.   Shame there's no video of today's press conference but sure one will be coming out, will either add it in here later or have it in her next post. Not much more to add in about Erika looked at today's event, doesn't she just look so elegant and drop dead gorgeous?! However after the tremendous pics have a brand new video from Acuvue which is a mini 2 1/2 minute movie, playing Erika's sister in the film is Sayu Kubota who I had never heard of but she's been in many dramas/films the past few years.

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