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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sayako Ito: Her intro post #1....

 Been more posts lately for gravure idols though can't say I'm a massive fan of them except for certain models. Seems the ones I've introduced the past few months have been well educated women with college degrees. That gets me thinking.... does a gravure model make more $$ than someone with a college degree in Japan?

 Sayako is a woman with a degree as she received one on literature from Kinki(y) University which is in Osaka. That's where Sayako is from, she got her degree in 2016 and she didn't begin her modeling career until then. Sayako is 24 and just turned that age on January 15th, with her dynamite looks think she's got a long career and can always use that degree later on in life.
 Won't be too many intro posts, perhaps three as her mag spreads, events and such didn't begin until July 2016. But Sayako will be someone that is more for the future as she's a busy woman and appears in so many mags. Have four of them for today and seems WPB is the mag she appears in most, first set is from issue #1-2 for this year and wish it was much bigger.

 Slightly bigger set as Sayako graces the cover for the December 11th edition of Big Comic Spirits, at the bottom of the post is a video from the photo shoot.

 Final sets are both from WPB issues, this is from #48.

 Sayako has the cover of another edition and this is from the November 13th WPB, this and the above two spreads are promoting her first PB.

 Once again an unoriginal title for a photobook as Sayako's first is simply called.... "Sayako"!!!! It was released on November 1st, on the third she held a fan greeting session for it. Couldn't find a video of it but there's an excellent one after the pics from her BCS photo shoot.


  1. Dunno if they make more $$ but the power bills rise...

    ...it's your fault they changed. Not very creative with their PB names ay, it's like,
    ???: So what should we name the PB? Gimme ideas folks
    ???2: ...SAYAKO!
    ???: Oh my god why didn't I think of that
    Ah m8, think ya mentioned somewhere that ya couldn't find subs for 'Yamegoku' the drama with Yuko Oshima in it. Well found one for ya, found it while tryna find 'Art of seduction'(can't find it btw...gimme your dvd!) coz finished with 'My beautiful bride' and will keep my thoughts about it on hold as for now, on to 'Voice' which is pretty tense. Will head over to 'Classic' in a few hours coz skimmed through korean version of 'Byakuyako' and remembered what happened, think it was pretty cool. So,

  2. Checked that site out, kind of hard to download their videos but think I was successful with the first episode. Now the question is what's ever happened to Yuko? In all honesty she's my all time Idol and kind of wondering if she's been abducted by aliens?
    Searched one site I get many films from and 'Art of Seduction" is there, would think most Asian film sites would have it.

  3. Ah, all good, found it👍. Saw 'Classic' last night and-
    didn't want to watch anything else that night.
    Yeah, haven't heard much from Yuko lately. Had a brief look around and so far quiet on instagram and kinda active on twitter(just retweets really) but on her site,
    All in japanese but you'll be able to see what she's popping in to...I think. Looks like she went to Nepal for a TV show.
