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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Nao's seventh.... Zodiac post!!!!.... the 'Leo-tonians'(?)...

 Leo is one of those signs that very few of my bigger faves were born under, think Libra will end up having the most though Pisces does run a close second. Been saying it for a while but will be picking up my repaired laptop tomorrow which will mean a few more posts and variety. Then again the way things have been going with it wouldn't doubt if there will be some sort of snag as it's happened twice already. Let's get on to my faves born under this sign, just seven though as usual may have forgotten a few which would be some of the new gals that have been introduced this year.

 Rena Matsui.... July 27, 1991

Rena is a long time fave who I've really forgotten about, bet it's been over a year since her last solo post. Think the main reason  for her absence here has been her inactivity, after her graduation from SKE Rena was a busy gal but can't say that for 2018 as she was in one Winter drama and so far zero films, won't forget about her and will try to work on a post for her very soon. July 27th is also the
birthday for two others, think it's the only date where three of my faves celebrate a b-day.

 Rena Takeda.... July 27, 1997

 This Rena needs no introduction her as she's easily the most popular gal I post about, she looks her age but she's been around so long you'd think she should be older. Haven't done too many posts for Rena lately as she's been a bit more quiet than usual but will be working on one for her and can say that about all seven b-day gals today. Should be some new happenings for her as she has the co-lead role in the drama "Maji de Koukai Shitemasu". It's the second season for the show and it begins on July 29th, hope this show gets subbed as it's a shame the first season never was.

 Risa Watanabe.... July 27, 1998

 The last of the July 27th gals and am working on a solo post for Risa plus a few for Keya who have their next single coming out on August 15th, just one week after Nogi's next single. Risa is kind of my hope for future Idols, her coolness and sultriness to me are just off the charts and there's no doubt she should be next in line for the fourth Keya photobook.

 Asuka Saito.... August 10, 1998

 Lately have been trying to do more posts for my older faves so it's odd these last three have been for young gals, Leo is definitely not a sign my long term faves were born under. For the second time Asuka will be the center for a Nogi Summer single, that song will be coming out on August 8th. For a long time was never that fond of Asuka though I never disliked her, to me she was just too young. But she's really blossomed with age and actually has been one of the few bright spots on their variety shows the last two years.

 Yuuna Suzuki.... August 11, 1992

 Of all the new women that have been introduced this year Yuuna just may be #1 among them. As you can see she's not that young but after so many years of of hard work as a model she's finally become a popular one recently and her hotness is off the charts. Hoping that Yuuna will be doing what most popular models do and branch off to acting, to date she's only been in one drama.

 Erika Toda.... August 17, 1988

 Erika also needs no introduction and though I bet most won't agree with me she's my #1 fave for this sign. Wish she was a tad busier but she has had six posts this year which surprised me and will have another one for her Friday as the "Code Blue" movie will be having it's premiere. The third and fourth pics are from a Lancome event that took place in February as Erika is looking so dazzling these days, she may have even looked better at a July 11th screening for the new film.

 Mai Shiraishi.... August 20, 1992

 Last but certainly not least is Mai who I probably never give enough credit to. She never tops any of my lists but in all honesty it's almost impossible these days to beat her looks which are sexy to the max but she's also such a classy woman and a smart gal to boot too. Lot of talk this year about when Mai may be graduating, have a feeling she may make that announcement during Nogi's Summer tour which goes on to the end of August, after the pics check out a video with a long lost fave of Nao's...

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