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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Risa Watanabe: Her wondrous 27th post....

 Six weeks since the last Risa post which is the longest stretch of the year for her having no posts. She's had close to twenty posts this year which is second overall and is quite impressive for an Idol. One reason for the gap was because her last post has been so immensely popular, it's been #1 on the most viewed posts list for five weeks and didn't want to mess with success. A second reason and perhaps a bigger one is that Keya as a group has been so, so quiet for too long.
 There's hasn't been a major group event for over four months plus Keya has only released one single this year. News did come out in September about their next one but nothing since then so looks like it'll be February when it's released. That means members such as Risa don't appear in as many magazines, events or doing other kinds of promo things. Hope management knows what they're doing as going a year between singles hasn't worked out well for so many other popular J-Pop groups.

 Plan on having one final intro post for this year's 'Top Twenty Faves' list on Monday, will have the first two posts for the series a day or two after. As it stands now Risa would be my #2 fave of the year, this bit of a quiet stretch hasn't helped her out but deep down she still may be my number one for this year. It is close for the top spot but tend to favor the older woman when that happens as they may not get another chance to top a yearly list.
 Have well over fifty new pics and all look superb but not as much variety as there once was. As mentioned Risa hasn't been at an event since July plus just have one new mag spread for today but there is another one I'm trying to obtain. Will start off with some missed cards from this year, little late for birthday ones as that took place on July 27th.

 Actually those bottom cards are from the Young Champion site, not great quality but they still all look terrific. This batch features Risa's other half of the 'W-Watanabe' duo and are from a Model Press interview that took place after the September 7th 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show. Don't understand why the pics weren't released until the second week of October.

 Yet even more interview pics for the Walker Plus site. It took place after the September 28th 'Girls Award' show and like the above wasn't released for a few weeks.

 Keya has a newish CM for Mechakari and guess who is the center for the video(?), now why can't Risa or someone else be the center for a regular single? Have the video at the bottom, she has been the center a few times in concert for the "Ambivalent" single, can't recall if she's ever had any solo
B-side songs but don't think so.

 Hmmmm, obviously she read the comments at the top about being #2 on this year's list....

 There's never been a Risa post that hasn't included some fine pics from the Non-no site. Have twenty of them for today though there are more but saving them for her next post, hoping that won't be her post for the top twenty list as that won't be until the end of December.

 Those Non-no pics keep getting better and better. Keya also has a few new videos for Unison Air but will have those in the next group post.

 Noticed '46' members only have gravure style spreads when they release photobooks. Nothing wrong with pics like these though wish on occasion the pics could be a bit steamier. This smallish set is from the November 26th issue of Flash, looks to be a part two spread as the pics are very similar to a September spread she did for the mag.

 That's it for new happenings so why not end off with some ultra hotter than hot pics. Most have been posted before but can anyone ever get tired of looking at Risa? I never can or will and after them is the new CM for Mechakari.

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