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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Erika Toda: Shoten in Michiru no Mi no ue Banashi episode 6 screenshots

 Bit of a gap again between reviews for Erika's latest drama but luckily a couple were just subbed and we have reviews and a mega amount of screenshots for both episodes here.
 We left off last time with Michiru's(Erika) fiancee lying dead in her apartment after getting hit over the head with a heavy fruit bowl, the culprit was not Michiru but her friend Takakura who looked so sweet and nice but as we learn looks are definitely deceiving. They are really deceiving for her friend Takei who appears shortly after this incident and takes complete control of the situation, Michiru wants to call an ambulance but Takei replies it would do no good for a dead person! Michiru then goes into a slight stage of panic but Takei is there to save the day and coolly starts to take steps to get rid of the body and to make sure no traces of her fiancee Kyutaro being in her apartment are left behind. Takakura somehow put what she did behind her and started to help Takei dispose of the body, the episode ends with the two of them driving to a remote spot in the woods to get rid of the body, they're not going to bury it but leave it somewhat in the open, Takei figures if it gets noticed like that it somehow will help the pair of girls in the end run. Meanwhile Michiru did absolutely nothing during this whole time, she was in such a state she was of no help and let the two of them dispose of the body and any evidence that may have been left behind.
 And that's really all that happened during this episode, just about the whole show took place in Michiru's apartment, even though not a lot happened it was fairly intense and set the stage for what may be the best episode so far which is the 7th one and check out the details to that in the post right below this one.

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