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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Kyoko Saito... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, October 21, 2024

Yui Kobayashi: "Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?" show #167 recap, the first of two farewell episodes....


 The only times I remember is when I have that top photo in a post and what I've said a few times in the past is that there should be a post for Idols who are brushing their teeth! In just about every of their photobooks you will see at least one pic of them doing that activity, to show how wholesome they are? So that first pic above would be my all time fave for an Idol working on their teeth and when I think about it Yui 😍 is also #1 in so many other categories for me such as being my all time number one woman!!!!

 This and the next post are so overdue, at first thought I would have been able to do these eight months ago! But the subs for Keya's 'Soko' variety show towards the end of 2023 began to come out so sporadically and by January of this year had stopped altogether. So though I viewed these pair of episodes that aired on January 21st and 28th watched them both unsubbed and while I did understand most of what took place also did miss a lot. But kept my faith that this pair of shows would be done along with many others and in a bit of a surprise last week about twenty episodes were done! By the group that has been doing the subs for 'Soko' since 2018 or so, it's the We're Still Subbing site and will give then a big round of applause for going back and subbing so many older shows.**** It is important to me having subbed screenshots for if they weren't you wouldn't know what was taking place. Not just for shows such as this one but more importantly for dramas and movies. One reason for losing interest in Keya was not being able to watch this show without subs but of course by far the biggest reason was Yui's departure on February 1st.

 As I said in her last post who would have thought five years ago that those two would end up being my top two women of all time and it's been that way for a while now. Back in July 2022 did a pair of posts just like the two for today for Risa's final two 'Soko' shows as both episodes were devoted to her. Both those posts were very popular and so weren't a pair done at the beginning of 2023 for Keya's captain Yuuka who left in November 2022. So of course there was no way I would pass on having posts for Yui, will talk a bit more about things in the next post. These are two very simple posts that mainly feature screenshots and that should make it easy for all to follow the action. So let's get to these final two shows for Yui and wrote this above section before viewing either episode.

 Am back and have now viewed both of Yui's final two 'Soko' shows, wonder if I will ever watch any others? Promise not to make this and the next post too long, will mainly let the screenshots show what took place in this 25 minute episode and for the most part they go in order of what took place. Above are the two hosts of the show and have been since it began in October 2015 and aired until October 2020. It went  by the name of "Keyakitte, Kakenai?" until October 2020 and changed it's name when the group did to Sakura. On the right above is the main emcee Sawabe, on the left is Tsuchida and don't think either has missed a show but not positive. I like this pair the best of any of the '46' show hosts as they don't try to be the center of attention and put the focus on the members. Which is the way it should be as that's why the fans tune into the show but try telling that to the hosts of the Nogi and Hina variety shows!

 Let' get to what took place in this show that aired om January 21st and one thing I noticed is that this wasn't as scripted out as most other shows, what I mean is that most things seemed to be spontaneous. When I viewed this before with no subs had thought Yui wearing a Maid outfit was by her choice and perhaps she wanted to be a waitress in one of those kinds of clubs? But no, she revealed the producers asked her to wear the uniform just prior to the filming and Yui stated she didn't know why. Most of the theme for this first of two graduation episodes is of the other members wanting to do something different with Yui, one was of her dressing as a Maid and that's what the captain Rina was discussing above. Yui is a private person which she has mentioned often on the show and in interviews. Know she's a big drama fan and as of late with ones from Korea but have neve known if she's a big anime or manga fan which so many other members are.

 Minami was still on hiatus when this was filmed, the other other two first generation members are in the top screenshot, Rina on the left and Fuyuka on the right. She seems to be quite adept with hi-tech gadgets and made a two minute collage of Yui video clips over the years and as she says above that two minutes wasn't nearly long enough. I enjoy watching older clips of the members and what a change has taken place over the years with the group and members. There's no date set but Rina and Fuyuka will be graduating on the same day, it will be after Sakura's next single is released. So am thinking their departure will be at one of the group's Christmas concerts and though I didn't want to do any more group posts will have a few coming up though not for a few weeks.

 My only slight beef with this first show is that there wasn't a lot of solo time with Yui, say of her being interviewed, doing her own video collage or something else that was personal. What took place next was Yui's final 'handshake event', as you can see above each member just had twelve seconds to say or do something with Yui. Yuzuki was the timer, when it hit twelve seconds she would alert Fuyuka who was the 'security guard' and would drag the member away when they exceeded their limit, above and below are some of the encounters.

 In that second screenshot above is a Bento Rena made and did it look yummy! That's what Yui also thought and to me it seemed she wanted to eat it all but was held back by by hosts! Don't know how often they hang out together but Yui really has seemed close to Rena and Rei over the last two years. The slightly oddish Kira had an arm wrestling match with Yui but time ran out before a winner was determined. Some of the other very short encounters were of Rei giving Yui some pajamas, Ten taking a few photos and of the group's other Yui baking a Takoyaki dish though she did admit she burnt the meat in her first two attempts. After that there was a bit of chatter which led into the final segment that featured the emcee Sawabe and what took place is right below.

 The variety shows for the '46' groups are just a little less than 25 minutes in length so of course at times segments have to be rushed. That's why there was that twelve second limit for Yui's final 'hand shaking event' and why this final part was only about two minutes. Many years prior Sawabe had lost a Rock-Paper-Scissors mini contest to Yui and wanted a rematch who stated she would easily win and that was the case. There wasn't much time left in the show so only two conks on the head were needed though both were quick putting the helmet on, bet Sawabe would have beaten most other members but of course not Yui and that game showed is a talent we never knew she had! This episode ended with the announcement of the Senbatsu lineup for the group's upcoming single which Yui didn't appear in but she did have her own solo song. The lineup is the first four screenshots below and because this show was dedicated to Yui the announcement was quite rushed. Part two of her 'Soko' sendoff is the next post and below are many more screenshots of what took place in this show.