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Saturday, October 19, 2024

Miku Kanemura: Her invigorating 34th post!!!!


 It's rare seeing a post for a current J-Pop Idol these days, Miku also had the last one done and for the second year in a row she will have more posts than any other Idol. So guess you could say she is my top J-Popper for the last two years which sadly isn't as esteemed of an honor as it once was. Don't know the dates yet but Hina does have four members leaving shortly, a pair each from the first two generations. At the beginning of August the four announced those graduations on the same day and I would like to have a post for all four so once the grad concerts take place will start on those posts and would think they would happen beginning in a month.

 This is a biggish post with over fifty new photos but could made it much larger. This is Miku's ninth post of the year so would like to see her reach ten and that may be the last time an Idol hits double digits. So am thinking will do another post in three weeks with Hina cards from this year that haven't been posted yet, hopefully a group magazine spread, modeling pics and whatever else I can dig up. Last year Miku had sixteen posts so she did drop this year but just about everyone else did, she did finish in the second spot on the 2023 yearly faves list which won't happen again but am thinking around fifth and there's nothing wrong with that ranking.

 Let's get right things and will begin off with some recent Miku IG photos which she also posts at the Hina group blog. Not as many as usual but just did a post for her less than a month ago and I really like those first two pics....

 Bit early but as you can see Miku did post some pics for Halloween, have a few oldies below for the day and will have a few more for her next post.

 Did mention that four Hina gals will be leaving somewhat soon, so glad that Miku will be sticking around for a while but for how much longer? She really is one smart and talented woman, in a few previous posts have talked about how her main passion is photography and was going to college for that but don't think she's graduated yet. From September 10th until October 6th her first photo exhibition was held and two days ago the Oricon site published an interview of Miku talking about it. The pics below are from the interview and also have the link to it. she of course discussed photography but also mentioned a former Nogi member plus said she would love to have a second photobook(!), me and many others would love to see that also: Oricon site

 For almost five years there were monthly promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game but those stopped coming in April so thought we would never see any new ones. However in a shock the game is now putting out their promo pics again which is such a terrific thing as the pics are always superb, below are four each for October and September.

 Today the Autumn/Winter 'Girls Award' show was held at the Makuhari Messe Hall in Chiba. Of course Miku was there and she took her stroll in the Sly stage, below are some photos from the show and seeing as it just took place a few hours ago should have even more pics for her next post. There were a few other Hina members there and will try to have some posts for two of them but not immediately. Also at the show were some Keya members, unsure if I'll be doing any posts for them but will be having a trio of posts for a graduate as she celebrates a birthday in four days.

 Will end off with this huge spread from the October 16th issue of Weekly Shonen Sunday, Miku doesn't appear in as many magazines as she once did though when she does is usually the cover girl. There's only been one Miku solo video the last two months so will skip having one for today and many of the bottom pics in this set are from the photo shoot.

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