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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Manami Higa: Hancho 6 episodes 10 & 11 screenshots

 Season 6 of Hancho ended almost two weeks ago, have no idea if there will be a season 7 but it was solid again in the ratings department so hopefully it will be back again, have some screenshots of Manami from the last two episodes here, her character's name was Saori Yuki, now that the series has ended don't have any news of what Manami's next project will be, hopefully it will be one that will be coming up soon, know that there won't be a drama for this quarter though.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Haruna Kojima: Megutan tte Maho Tsukaeruno? photo book promo event pics

 Haruna is looking might, mighty fine in these pics here from a promo event that she appeared at Monday to promote her new comic photo book from her TV series Meguan tte Maho Tsukaeruno?.

Itsudatsu TV movie synopsis and review

 Was very shocked when this TV movie ended up being subbed, usually these lesser known ones don't get subbed but did have some bigger stars in it, didn't end up being a classic watch but was good enough and would recommend it mainly of course because Manami is in it, she did a good job and really looked terrific. Am a bit lazy today so going to post the synopsis from jdramas.wordpress, they did a good job with it and don't think I could improve on it so here's the plot to the movie, also itsudatsu means deviant.

Sawamura Keiji (Sorimachi Takashi) of Kanagawa Prefectural Police’s First Investigative Division, who is confined to office work while he is under treatment for insomnia, is hurriedly summoned by Taniguchi Goro (Hashizume Isao) the head of the First Investigative Division. A third case in a series of bizarre murders which have stoked public fears has occurred at a park in a residential district, and he is roped in to assist. It is believed from the deep line cut into the neck of the dead body that the victim had been strangled by a piano wire. But what is common among the three cases is the strange mark of a protruding tongue carved on the handle of the knife thrust into the neck after death.Although the modus operandi varies, the same criminal is suspected of the crimes. At the same time, Sawamura and Taniguchi are reminded of a serial murder 10 years earlier. It is also ascertained at the investigation meeting that the murders resemble unsolved cases from 10 years ago which share the same change in the modus operandi. The diverging element is that the murder victims back then were four young females, but this time the three are males. Director Nishiura Takashi (Aijima Kazuyuki) points to the possibility of a copycat criminal, but the knife and its carving were neither made public back then nor in the present. Taniguchi instructs the investigators to proceed with the investigation on the assumption that this is the deed of the same criminal. Sawamura is partnered with Nagasawa Hatsumi (Higa Manami), a detective from Rinkai Police Precinct whom he met through another case. Hatsumi is left stunned by Sawamura who refuses to introduce himself. When Sawamura tries to get information out of Ayumi (Takase Akiko), the ex-wife of the murdered man, Nishiura and Section Chief Kikumura Isao (Iida Kisuke) cut him off and repeatedly question her as if she were a suspect. Sawamura calls Nishiura out and tells him not to interfere. In response, Nishiura grabs him by the lapels and retorts that this is not the attitude to show to a superior, but Sawamura pays no heed and slams him into the wall. Thankfully Taniguchi intervenes in time. Taniguchi warns Sawamura to learn the normal way of working or he would end up like Onizuka Shuhei (Kataoka Tsurutaro). Onizuka who lives in the same apartment building as Sawamura, had once been a respected senior detective and Sawamura’s partner. However, he quit the police force because of some incident. That night, Sawamura visits Onizuka’s apartment to seek advice on the case, but is rejected because he has lost his touch as a detective.

 So that was what happened in a nutshell, Manami and Sorimachi worked well together as partners, her a a rookie detective and him as an older grizzled one, they were really the two main reasons to watch this TV movie, wasn't really a great watch but good enough especially if you're a fan of either one of them, would recommend it mainly because of them but there are much better movies out there but it's still worth a view. Right after this post are two with a mega amount of screenshots of Manami from the movie, she looks spectacular as always.

Itsadatsu aired on Friday February 15th at 9:00 pm on Fuji TV.

Cast: Sorimachi Takashi, Higa Manami, Kataoka Tsurutaro, Muro Tsuyoshi, Aijima Kazuyuki, Hakuryu, Iida Kisuke, Honjomaru Hiroshi, Kubozono Junichi, Hinata Nanami, Hashizume Isao

Manami Higa: Itsudatsu TV movie screenshots #1

 Masami as Hatsumi Nagasawa after 6 long years was finally promoted from crossing guard to being a detective, she was really raw but full of pep and spirit, though her and Sawamura were really two opposites they did get along fairly well in sort of a comical way. She got assigned to him as a new serial killer case was opened and was it a new case or did a killer from 10 years ago make a reappearance for some reason, want the answers to all would recommend watching this, true not the greatest of TV movies but Manami really looked superb though you all know by now that she always does, more screenshots of her in the following post, hopefully these will help you follow the story a bit more closely.