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Friday, April 26, 2024

Tsumugi Hashimoto: Her searing 'GTV' digital photobook plus slightly more....


 There's no way I will ever get tired of that first photo which was close to being my #1 for 2023! Tsumugi is someone who I thought would become a huge fave of mine and though I do like her quite a bit that hasn't happened yet. Last August had her first two intro posts, then had two more in September as last year was a busy one for her. But only up until that point as this is her first post since then and had been wondering what ever happened to her? Not much for Tsumugi over the last seven months but do have a sparkling digital book along with a magazine spread from last year but there hasn't been much going on with her for way too long.

 She may not look it but Tsumugi will be hitting the age of 24 on May 30th. Do have some bad news which is that she will be graduating from her J-Pop group RIM:MIR exactly a week later. Don't know much about them but the videos I've seen from concerts have all been good and these days the J-Pop world is just so oversaturated with groups so it's hard for most to make it big. Perhaps that's why she's leaving and am hoping she'll at least continue on with her gravure career. Just three sections to this post but there are over 55 new pics that had never been seen here before. Tsumugi hasn't been posting too many photos at her IG page the past month but do have some pics from the April 20th Park Curry Idol Festival, after she leaves there will be six members left.

 March 2023 was the first time Tsumugi had a gravure spread, that was such an incredible set which was promoting her first ever digital book and she had another that came out last July. This spread from volume 66 of GTV had been missed and came out on May 30th of last year, her 23rd birthday.

 On to the final set of pics for this semi-mini post which is the GTV digital book. While the above spread was promoting this book it didn't come out for three months, August 30th to be exact. Tsumugi's first four posts have drawn a decent amount of views so am really hoping we can have more of them in the future. My only complaint is that this book had only 38 photos plus there was no video. However Tsumugi does have her own YT Vlog and did upload a video of some photo shoots and the group on tour last November which is after the pics.

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