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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ayaka Takamoto: Her demurely seductive "Boku no Kioku no Naka de" graduation photobook


 Always wait at least three months before posting a '46' member's photobook, am three days early with this but sure Ayaka won't mind. Wait that long as not to affect sales though do wonder how many potential buyers actually visit here and 95% of sales always are within the first month. Know this post wouldn't affect sales and also knew it wasn't going to be a massive seller. In it's first four weeks out the book sold 23,500 copies and then fell off the charts. Sure it's sold a few more after that and probably a good amount at Ayaka's graduation concert that took place on July 4th so bet sales ended up being around 28-30,000 copies sold. Not the best Hina photobook but that's okay as I had wished often for Ayaka to have a book and wish it didn't take her graduation to have this. Wonder how many more Hina books I will be having or for that matter posts as so many of my faves have been jumping ship. 

 This book contains 126 photos, have two bonus ones which are the first and third pics above. Both were used to promote the book and they were so terrific why not include them? Not sure what Ayaka has been up to since her Hina graduation that took place ten weeks ago and the two previous first generation members who also have left within the last year haven't been heard from often either. Ayaka is a model for two magazines so sure she'll continue on with that but wonder what else as being a model usually isn't a FT gig. Have seen Ayaka in two Hina dramas and to me she was one of the group's better actresses but it's getting so harder these days for ex-Idols to get decent acting jobs as the market is so saturated with Idols who were just so-so popular. On to the book and while Ayaka is no gravure model knew that coming in so I wasn't disappointed at all and have often said how she had the most attractive face of any 1G member. So I think she looks super in these pics, the photo shoots took place in Tahiti and Tokyo. The book was released on June 18th and the title roughly translates over to In My Memory.

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