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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Ayano Sumida: Her second sweltering comeback post....


 Am a bit brain dead so will make this a simple post, me being brain dead has been happening more frequently lately and wonder what that means? As the title says this is Ayano's second 'comeback post' with the first being done on March 5th, it had been close to seven months since her last post. But have said that sometimes when a woman disappears for a while it means she was working on some projects and we may not see them for a few months. That seems to be the case for Ayano who did release her second photobook a month ago so of course she had been on a photo shoot for it but in her case think she did take a breather as she was one busy model since 2021 up until August 2024.

 Should be able to have one more of these posts for Ayano as there have been a few recent magazine spreads though most haven't been too large. Also need to post some pics from a event for her second photobook, the top pic below is the cover and the bottom four are from the photo shoot. The ones in the middle are from Ayano's IG page and she doesn't post all that many of them.

 In that previous post had some hotter than hot Ayano trading cards, they were from her second set that came out last July 27th. Have even more here and there will be plenty of them in future posts, the last two years cards have become much more common for gravure models and I think they look terrific.

 This will be a large post as there are three magazine spreads plus will end off with a digital book so there could be close to a hundred pics! These days that total is the norm and I need to go back to making these posts a bit smaller so there can be more of them. First up is this older set from last June 13th's issue of Weekly Asahi Geino and Ayano isn't the cover girl too often.

 Here's the biggest of the three spreads and also the best set of Ayano pics for today which are from volume 91 of Secret! that came out last October.

 This third magazine spread was in Ayano's previous post but thought it would be wise to have it again as it was promoting this post's digital book and is from the April 2024 edition of Brody.

 Will end off with that Brody book which was released last May 2nd and contains 43 photos, just about all caught up with Ayano's 2024 activities. After the pics is a short yet sizzling video for Ayano's second set of trading cards.

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