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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Limit drama: Episode 11 screenshots and recap

The 6 survivors now down to 4....
Nanami Sakuraba as Mizuki Konno, one of the elites.
Ayano Kudo as Haru Ichinose, the other elite who died in episode 8.
Tao Tsuchiya as Chieko Kamiya, a loner who is the class brain.
Yuka Masuda as Chikage Usui, not sure of her status but doesn't like any of the survivors, another loner who got murdered in episode 6.
Rio Yamashita as Arisa Morishige, the class outcast.
Katsuhiro Suzuki as Haruaki Hirata, the 'found' 6th survivor and the only male.

 Going to try to wrap these last two episodes up quickly, it may be easy as not much happened, they seemed to stretch out things much more than they did earlier in the series, have been sitting on this for a week now though and before I forget what happened better get to it now, plus I'm doing many posts today and my smallish brain gets quickly tired.
 Ending off last episode was our 4 survivors all going for the sickle that ended up between them, actually only 3 tried to retrieve it as Kamiya was accidentally stabbed with it and was in no shape to move. The 'heroine' Konno was able to reach it first and instead of using it she threw it far into the woods, now all are weaponless. However Kamiya's injury has hampered their movements, it doesn't appear in the beginning to be life threatening but she's in no condition to move on her own.
 Meanwhile the search party has been able to finally start their rescue efforts, they found the bus but have no idea if there were any survivors. They sent a helicopter out to scout the area which the survivors saw, they couldn't signal the copter but noticed the direction it was heading in and started to go that way. It was slow going with Kamiya's injury but they were making headway, they figured a small town was just over a river and small mountain which was true. First was the river and when they reached they found out that........
 What they found out was not good news at all and if you're wondering what the problem was and if they were able to cross the river the answer to that will be in the next post. Really that's about what the extent of the happenings in this episode, the shows are 29 minutes long, they could have just made one 40 minute show instead of the last two episodes and it would have worked out better as there was much more filler in the last 2 shows than the first 10 combined, wasn't a bad watch but the previous shows were much better.

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