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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Masami Nagasawa: Toshi Densetsu no Onna 2 drama episode 2 recap and screenshots

Main Cast:

Masami Nagasawa as Tsukiko Otonashi
Junpei Mizobata as Hirota Katsuura
Naoto Takenaka as Icho Tannai
Hiroyuki Hirayama as Toshiya Shibayama
Sara Takatsuki as Ayano Hamanaka
Masato Ibu as Shigharu Take
Narumi Akizuki as Miyako Otonashi

 Probably the best thing about this drama that's now in it's second season is it's consistency, no episode I would consider to be a classic or one that would rate a 10 but just every show to date has been an enjoyable watch and this one continued that trend.

 One of these episodes Tsukiko(Masami) may find her urban legend but sadly this was another show where she didn't, if this is it's last season that would be a nice way to end off with her finally finding a real one. Case this time was a murder one as a couple who were parked watching a meteor shower woke up hundreds of miles away with a friend of their's stabbed and dead in the backseat of their vehicle. They were parked just outside of Kobe and watching the meteor shower they suddenly passed out only to reawaken many hours later with the dead friend in the backseat. While the rest of the Tsukiko's team presumed one or both of them did the crime she's hell bent on proving it was aliens who did it and transported the vehicle from Kobe to Tokyo by using a UFO. Needless to say no one believed her, especially any of the suspects but she stuck with her theory, would this finally be the time when her urban legends did commit the crime?

 Well of course there were no aliens nor a UFO involved in the case but also of course it was Tsukiko who ended up solving the case as the couple's dead friend had been killed by her husband who she was getting a divorce from. The husband had given gas to the couple to make them pass out and had put their car in a truck and transported them to Tokyo and then he rushed back to Kobe thinking he had committed a perfect crime. That was not to be the case as Tsukiko is someone who really can solve and sort of crime, her looking for her urban legend theories never produce one but always at the end solve the crime.
 In a nutshell that's what happened here in episode 2, of course more happens but really recommend viewing this drama where you can see how things work out. But then again took so many screenshots from this episode you may not need to view, took so many there's 2 more posts after this of Masami pics from the show, really looks A+ as always in this drama.

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