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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Maki Horikita: Miss Pilot drama episode 1 recap and screenshots

 Don't think this will end up being a classic drama but think it'll end up being one of the more enjoyable ones this year to watch, really thought episode 1 was rather good. If you've seen Attention Please then you know what the plot of the series is, instead of training to be a flight attendants in this show they're training to be pilots.

 The story starts off in the Fall of 2008, Haru(Maki) works at her parent's small restaurant in Kamata, she's working there only because she can't find a job anywhere else even though she's applied at too many places to count. Haru did go to college yet it hasn't been said yet what kind of degree she got if she did get one but would think she did graduate as she on a whim ended up applying to a training program to be a pilot, sure you need a degree to become one. Haru is definitely out of place at the orientation for all those wishing to become a pilot yet somehow out of the hundreds that applied she was one of the select few to make it to the interview round. She didn't do well in the interview but had a quiet backer on the 2 person committee who sees her potential and passes that round along with the next two. Actually after the third round Haru was finally offered a job and accepted it but at the last moment declined the offer and instead has chosen to enter the pilot training program, by now it is the Spring of 2010.

  And that pretty much sums up the first episode as mainly what happened was we saw Haru's failed attempts at finding a job and then despite the long odds being accepted into the pilots training program. Sure future recaps will be much longer and we'll probably get to know more about the other characters, mainly the other 5 who are in her training group. This episode time wise did zoom by as it started out in 2008 and now it's in the Spring of 2010, it's supposed to be a 4 year program and have no idea yet whether the series will cover all 4 years or not, stay tuned for future updates. Took so many screenshots of Maki that had to put the rest in the next post, doubt if many or actually would think no pilot could be as attractive as her!

Main Cast:

Maki Horikita as Haru Tezuka, pilot in training
Saki Aibu as Chisato Oda, pilot in training
Takumi Saito as Konosuke Kinukida, training instructor
Koichi Iwaki as Kazutoyo Shinozaki, pilot
Shotaro Mamiya as Taiji Kishii, pilot in training
Yu Konayagi as Sho Kotari, pilot in training
Nanami Sakuraba as Suzu Abeno, Taiji's girlfriend


  1. Don't know if this was what you were wondering but episode 10 has been subbed, also have a review of it here, still waiting for the finale though to be subbed.
