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Friday, March 14, 2014

Kie Kitano & Aya Ueto: Nagareboshi drama episode 5 recap and screenshots

Main Cast:

Yutaka Takenouchi as Kengo Okada, Maria's older brother
Aya Ueto as Risa Makihara
Kii Kitano as Maria Okada, Kengo's much younger sister
Goro Inagaki as Shuichi Makihara, Risa's shady brother
Shota Matsuda as Dr. Ryo Kamiya
Yuka Itaya as Minako Aizawa
Tetta Sugimoto as Junji Kawamoto
Mieko Harada as Kazuko Okada, mother of Kengo and Maria
Haruna Kawaguchi as Mizuki Yasuda, Maria's best friend
Akito Kiriyama as Ryota Sawamura, also has the same illness as Maria

 Last recap of this drama for now, this is the halfway point for the show so will do a second batch of reviews once I finish the series.
 Once again Maria and her new friend from the hospital Ryota go on a trip, this time back to her old hometown of Yamanashi. She tends to act a bit cold towards him but in reality he may be Maria's best friend now, he's the only one who she can talk to and trust. The pair end up having to spend the night in Yamanashi and stay at a love hotel! There she practically throws herself at him but he refuses her advances, not sure though if she was 100% serious about it, have a feeling she wasn't. Like the time Maria and Ryota escaped from the hospital to see a play Ryota once again falls terribly ill and is rushed to a hospital there, Dr. Kamiya comes to take Ryota back home but not Maria who had fled before they could take her back.
 Kengo has been besides himself since Maria disappeared but after some investigating him and his mother have concluded she went back to their hometown of Yamanashi, this was before the doctor could tell them where she was. Kengo and Risa head out to find her and this is where we learn a few more secrets, the main one is about Maria. Kengo has said that she is only her half sister and his deceased father had an affair. Well Maria's family had perished in a fire when she was quite young and they had taken her in but to this day the family hasn't told her the truth about her background.

 Kengo and Risa eventually find Maria at a small lake in Yamanashi, also about the same time their mother shows up there and it's quite an intense scene. Finally the secrets about Maria's past are revealed and Maria takes the news quite badly, she's almost on the verge of a breakdown. To top it off this is when Kengo tells her about the liver transplant she needs, Maria tries to escape from everyone and to drown herself in the lake but had no chance of doing so has the other 3 have surrounded her but it is not a good situation, you can understand Maria's feelings.
 She has let everyone know that she will not have the transplant, Risa tries to knock some sense into her but to no avail, she'd rather die than have her kidney. That's the pint we're at right now, haven't read any reviews as I don't want to spoil it for myself but there are certainly many, many intense predicaments going on and don't know how any of them are going to work out.

 Halfway through and I'm enjoying this much better than I thought I would, bit dark and depressing but not overly so. The cast has been solid, Shota's role is quite minor and surprised he would take a part like this. Goro has done a solid job, when you end up disliking a character as much as his then normally it means the actor has done very well. Aya is always good, not her best drama but really looks rather superb in the show and of course my fave Kii who is just so darn cute in there should be a law against looking that kawaii, every drama she's in she does an A+ job  but sadly hasn't been in many of them the last few years.

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