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Monday, February 2, 2015

Masami Nagasawa: "Wood Job" movie subbed screenshots and brief recap

 Release Date: May 10,2014    Length: 115 minutes    Director: Shinobu Yaguchi

Main Cast:

Shota Sometani as Yuki Hirano
Masami Nagasawa as Naoki Ishii
Hideko Ito as Yoki Iida
Yuuka as Miki Iida
Ken Mitsuishi as Seiichi Nakamura

 Before I viewed the film was planning on giving a more lengthy review but to be honest the main or only reason for watching it was because Masami was in it, her role was okay sized but not nearly as big as it should have been, hence a very short recap then.

 Yuki is an 18 year old who failed his college entrance exam so he's not sure what his next move will be but he's not overly concerned being a bit of a slacker, he figures he can take them again in a year. By chance he notices a flyer to train to be a lumberjack, actually what he noticed more than anything else was a pic of Naoki(Masami) on the cover and fell for her just like that. Figuring he could somehow meet her he enlisted in the year long course to become a lumberjack.
 The problems were Naoki wasn't involved at all with the training and they had just used her pic for their brochure. The major problem for Yuki was that training to be a lumberjack involved quite a bit of work which was something he had never done in his life. But off he went to spend the next year in training with a family led by the ultra serious lumberjack Yoki.

 To make it brief though Yuki was quite the slacker and fairly useless at physical work to his credit he did stick it out for the entire year. Quite a few mishaps befell him along the way but there was always help to be had from Naoki and especially Yoki who was a very strict and serious man but deep down had a liking for Yuki. At the end of the year Yuki still wasn't that good of a lumberjack but by that time he was still just 19, he did have the makings of one if he decided to stay but he decided he missed the city life too much and left.
 But upon returning to the city he found it was actually the woods and all the comrades he missed, he was supposed to return home to his parents but never quite made it there. Really can't say what happened next as the movie ended there but it seems as though Yuki is about to return to the woods as he may have found his true calling but probably also because he really wants to be with Naoki though she is quite a few years older than he is.

 Really thought Masami's role would be bigger, like I mentioned watched this film because she was in it. Overall though it was a solid film, not one that you'd want to watch many times over but still worth a watch, fairly interesting learning a few things about a lumberjack's job, would give this an 8/10, nothing bad about it but could have been a bit shorter. Do have quite a few screenshots of Masami from the film here and her character was a teacher in a small school, she had actually had grown up there and was also a divorced woman.

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