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Saturday, February 7, 2015

Tsubasa Honda: Shomuni 2013 drama episodes two and three screenshots/recap

Broadcast Dates: Wednesdays from July 10 to September 18, 2013   Average Rating: 11.14%

Main Cast:

Esumi Makiko as Chinatsu Tsuboi
Tsubasa Honda as Shiori Maruyama 
Becky as Madoka Minami
Sakura Ando as Reiko Abe
Kanna Mori as Misuzu Kojima
Keiko Horiuchi as Masuyo Fukuda
Shohei Miura as Daisuke Samon
Nana Katase as Miki Danjo
Ken Yasuda as Kenji Hoshino
Takeshi Masu as Susumu Maekawa
Kosuke Suzuki as Koichi Shimochai

Mentioned in the first post going to make these recaps brief which I usually can't do but think I can for this drama, not doing that because it's a bad show but there's no need for lengthy reviews for dramas like this one. And seeing as how I'm focusing on Tusbasa that'll make it easy too I hope, actually in episode two her part wasn't as big as in the first show where she was on the screen almost the entire show and there were no complaints from me when that happened.

 All the women in the new Shomuni unit, except Shiori(Tsubasa) seem to have men on their minds all the time, they really want to meet Mr. Right and leave the Manpan corporation. This episode focused more on the computer whiz Madoka who happened to meet her old flame after not seeing him for many years. He was also a tech whiz and both had worked together developing things, he's moved up quite a bit in the world and is very successful while for some strange reason Madoka has ended up in the basement with Shomuni. Well it turns out her ex-flame had stolen some of her ideas and was planning to sue Manpan saying they stole his plans but though in Shomuni Madoka still has all her tech skills and Madoka was able to sabotage his scheme successfully.
 Was able to give the synopsis in one paragraph, naturally more happened but like episode one at 57 minutes there was just way too much filler, this episode did drag. Plus there wasn't enough of Tsubasa in this show as you can tell by the amount of screenshots, one thing that may happen is a relationship between her character Shiori and a young ambitious employee named Miura, quite a few signs in this episode and future ones where it appears as they may get together.

 On to episode three, bigger role for Tsubasa's character this show. The Shomuni unit was put in charge of a 'health day' for Manpan, thongs fell apart though when the doctor they scheduled for a psych exam couldn't make it. Shiori got another doctor but he was useless so Chinatsu ended up disguising herself as the doctor's assistant and did most of the evaluations, they learned quite a few dark secrets about many of the employees, didn't really think that main theme worked all that well.
 Also the women in Shomuni are trying to be taken advantage of by their supervisors as far as pay, vacations and other benefits go because the unit doesn't have their own team leader. Naturally none of the older women want the position so they have a vote with Shiori being elected the leader of Shomuni and she'll be representing them in all company matters, she was too naive to know what was going on and is proud to be their leader, the episode ended with that election.
 So-so episode though it picked up towards the end and at least for now that momentum has carried over to the next two episodes which are briefly reviewed in the next post. And like every post about this drama there's many Tsubasa screenshots, to me the more the better but like episode two her role isn't that huge in every episode, most of the Shomuni women get a turn in the spotlight.

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