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Sunday, June 12, 2016

C-ute: The 'C-ute Singles series' #19- "Aitai Aitai Aitai na"

 Lately I've been wondering about Maimi's status with the group. It's not that she wants to leave but have noticed in the past once a H!P member hits 25 years of age they graduate. Have also noticed it's not how popular they are as some of their biggest names have had to graduate when they're 25. Maimi will be hitting that age in eight months so really hoping it's not something that's enforced, she's also the main captain of all of the H!P groups.
 Not too many singles to go in this series, will be stopping at their 12th one which was "Campus Life" from 2010. "Aitai Aita Aitai ni"(I Miss, I Miss, I Miss You) was released on September 5th, 2012 and at the time it was the group's biggest selling single with about 50,000 copies sold. Every single except their next one has topped that figure, these days they're selling closer to 70,000 copies. The single was released in five version, above is one cover and here are the rest of them.

 The farther back you go the harder it is finding things about the group, their popularity wasn't nearly as high as it is now. These days there's too many H!P cards to count, back then and prior to this single there were very few of them. Hope there's enough things to post about their earlier singles, then again i always think there's never going to be enough pics for these posts and there ends up being over 40 of them. Not many promo pics sadly and here's just a handful of them.

 However back then the group seemed to appear in so many more mag spreads so guess that makes up for the lack of H!P cards. First off is from the October 2012 issue of Big One Girls.

 Actually all of these spreads will be from September/October, these are from AniCan.

 This mag I had never heard of, fine pics here are from Fungo.

 Last spread which is from Smart.

 Edit- Oooops, there was one more spread which is from Top Yell.

 The group also had a pair of promo events for the single on September 5th and 10th. Naturally have the tune and you can view it's PV after the pics.

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