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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Erina Mano: "Hanbun Esper" drama episode three recap and screenshots
Will do two reviews today so I don't have to repeat a lot of what transpired in the first two episodes. Also will try to keep this a bit brief, so far I'm really liking this series and don't want to give too much away as if you're an Erina or H!P fan then would highly recommend this. The series is on Daily Motion and it's subbed there though I don't know how the quality is. Version I'm viewing got at H!O and as you may know their torrents section closed down eight days ago, hoping I can find a new place for these older and obscure Idol dramas.
Erina has been a patient at 'Kokueken' which is the Japanese Institute for ESPer's. The people there are enrolled when they are young, it's a place where they learn to use their powers and once that happens they're sent back in the real world to help humanity. Not the case so far for Erina who is 19 and still hasn't been able to control her powers, however she escaped from the Institute and is now living in the real world. She had been caught by the main chief but with his blessing and overseeing Erina is allowed to stay in the real world to hopefully control her powers better.
Title for this episode was "Tokyo Sightseeing", title was bit misleading as it didn't have anything to do with sightseeing. Each show the chief gives Erina a task to do, for this episode it was to find the 'Angels Soma' somewhere in Tokyo. Erina had no clue do what it was and the chief didn't help her out at all with it's meaning, just looked Soma up and it doesn't appear to be a regular Japanese word.
H!P member guest for this show was Risa Niigaki who acted as a tour guide on this show. Erina tried to enlist her help in finding the Soma but even Risa had no clue what it meant. Erina kept looking for the Soma off and on for the rest of the show with zero success but luckily her hunt for it wasn't the only activity in the show.
Once again a pair of S/Mileage members make another guest appearance on this show, they're also in the next episode so hopefully that means two members will be on every show. Erina has visited them when they're doing their radio show as Erina also has the power of teleporting but it's another thing she can't control and ends up each week when the radio show is on the air.
Those short segments of the radio show have been the highlight for me through the first four episodes. Usually listeners send letters in and the S/Mileage gals answer them, Erina also does but gives some truly wacky answers as up until recently her life has been spent at the Kokueken institute. Also the radio show's producers have enlisted Erina's help in auditioning new talent for some shows, she's quite a hard person to please as to date she's failed every entrant. Right after that Erina is back looking for the Soma with the help of Risa, once again the hunt was a failure as they had no idea what they were looking for. At the conclusion of the show Erina still had no clue on what a Soma was supposed to be nor did the chief tell her why she had to go on that wild goose chase.
Odds are there was no Soma to find and the reason Erina had to go on that hunt was to better acclimate herself with the real world. Seems to be working as Erina has fit in nicely and seems to acquire friends at a rapid pace. That brought us to the end of this episode, they're only 27 minutes long minus four minutes for the two theme songs which Erika sings.
Really liking this show so far, usually just watch one episode at a time but have been so much into this series watched two of them today and the recap for that one is the next post. If I do learn of another site that has this series subbed then will let you know as I don't have episodes five or six so will be on the hunt for those, may have to get them at Daily Motion.
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