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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Nogizaka46: The "Pairs" post #5- Erika Ikuta and Mai Shiraishi

 That pic was taken in August of 2012, haven't their and really the whole group's looks changed? They certainly have and for the better, think getting older as something to do with that. That's something I've thought about but haven't started on yet which is some sort of 'Nogi Timeline'. Will be working on it though as I've thought to have some pics from 2011 to the present for each member, some of them have really changed.
 At the time when that pic was taken.... time out, seems we have more in group fighting!!!!

 Wow, doesn't happen too often(never) when two ultra fabulous women have such desires for me, like you I'm on the edge of my seat to see what the decision will be....

 The suspense is killing me! As I started to say that above pic was taken in 2012 when Erika was just 15 and Mai was 20, my how they've crept up there in age but still have a long ways to go before we can consider them old. To me one of these two may be the next member to graduate, Erika certainly could make a career out of her piano playing plus she's one of their better singers.
 Mai though would eclipse her as she's just so popular, recent poll had her third on the list for most desirable face in Japan, poll was for females. Let's hope any graduations won't happen for a while, both may be somewhat successful solo but not nearly as much as if they stayed with the group, that really goes for any member.
 On to some some terrific pics, solo ones are always better but think all the pics in these 'pairs posts' have been quite good. Undecided about what duo will appear next, thinking of having some Undergirls as they need a bit more publicity.

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