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Saturday, July 1, 2017

Keyakizaka46: The 'Nanako Nagasawa post' #1

 Been wanting to do this post for a while, don't think Nanako is a hugely popular member but for some reason my eyes seem to fixate on her over most members, especially in their two dramas. She may not look it but Nanako is now twenty and hit that age on April 23rd. She is a huge Nogi fan, her fave member is Erika but that above bottom pic really reminds me of Seira Nagashima who graduated back in March 2016.
 That's a real nice compliment too as Seira is one of the cutest Nogi members of all time, I was kind of bummed out when she left the group. Sure a few of you remember the third episode of 'Zankoku', in that the gals were locked in the school's music room. Two members played an instrument to try to leave the room but Nanako never got a chance and she's quite talented at the violin, I would have liked to have seen her play.

 That bottom pic is an oldie from Flash magazine which came out in May 2016. Nanako is now the ninth member to have a solo post, just going to have them for the members that are eighteen or older. Up next will probably be Mizuho who celebrates her 20th birthday next Friday. Like all of Keya's members except for one she's been with them since they announced the group's members way back on August 22, 2015. Unsure if there will be a special concert for the anniversary but Keya does have their first album coming out shortly and will have the details for it very soon.

 Nanako's looks have certainly changed in the two years since that press conference but you could say that about almost all of the members. To me Rika doesn't look like she's aged a day. Not many mag spreads, two solo and two group ones but the pics for today may still total over fifty. This first one came out last month and it's from Young Magazine #26.

 Shame there weren't more pages, the members of Keya still mainly do conservative spreads but I like that as it's a bit refreshing to see after all of the other Idol spreads which are posted here. Bit of a bigger set here from the May edition of UTB.

 Next spread features a Keya trio and I really like the theme for it. The set is called 'Nana-chans' and it features the other two Nanas from the group who are Nana Oda and Nanami Yonetani, these pics are from the December 2016 issue of BLT.

 This is the final spread but there are plenty more fine pics after this. Another shared set from the November 2016 edition of Top Yell and with her is Minami who I'll have a solo post for soon.

 All of the Keya members do many interviews and pictorials for the Hustle Press site. Nanako has done many of them, think the total is five but will just have two for today as I need to save some pics for her next solo post. These are from the first two interviews Nanako did for them and they're a bit old, first set is from March 2016 while the pics of her in blue are from the following month.
 Once again wanted to post a video but ones for the Keya members are truly lacking on YT. There are plenty of them but seems 85% or more are segments from their two variety shows. Hmmmm, just did much more searching and do have a short clip below from the 'Tokuyama' drama. In that scene which I think is from the tenth episode Nanako accused her friend Nanami of being Tokuyama's killer or at least that she's involved somehow with it.


  1. I missed out on her showroom TT. ooh i love that scene. coz that's when we hear a lot of her Yamagata(?) dialect which i find really key-ute. i like this girl, it's a shame she hasn't really being showcased playing the violin but still cool nonetheless. Ya right, Rika doesn't look like she's really changed. Wow, looking at the conference pics i wonder who's changed the most. Pretty hard to choose haha. i always thought that Nanako was the 'ojousama' girl judging by the conference pics. That no.4 girl tho, shame she left so quick into the ride. oh jeez this is a pretty long comment. i'll stop here

  2. The showroom video is on YT, it's quite long which is why I didn't post it. That #4 Mizuho left about two weeks after being chosen as a member, wonder if she's regretting that decision?

  3. yeahh i know it's on YT but it's not the same man. Way more fun watching it live and commenting on the go. Oh, her name is also Mizuho, cool. Ohh there could've been a W-Mizuho! dang it
