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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Nao Kanzaki: The September.... 'Happy Birthday' post, the return of an old series?


 That top photo is my second favorite one of all time and has been for over years, it puts me at a loss for words every time I view it!!!! As most know it's been so difficult to do posts this year and what I wondered to myself is why I haven't done more of these 'List Posts', not just for birthdays but for other things. This was a series that I had going for a while but stopped, think it was when I hit December for that's the slowest month here for birthdays. Less than an hour ago recalled doing this list years ago and thought why not revive it for a while, will do it for at least the next two months. But also hadn't wanted to take three days in a row off as odds are high there won't be one tomorrow. As some long time viewers may remember last Summer had taken a week off for I was in the hospital, do have some heart condition which is a bit rare for someone as young as me, still in their thirties. The last week it felt as though the problems arose again and have been feeling so horrible. But think all has been taken care of, won't be cured overnight but should be back to full strength by Thursday morning.

 What an underrated beauty who you will see again a bit lower down, if things had worked out differently she would be my #1 woman of all time! Was feeling a bit better which is why I wanted to do this post, think you recover quicker too when you do something besides just lie in bed. So as mentioned will also have posts for October and November birthdays, would love to think of something else but what? October has more birthdays than any other month yet the two biggest for birthdays as far as my massive faves go is September followed by July, no reasons why that is. Will make this a quickie post, think I will refer to eight women and have some pics plus a brief summary of what has been going on with them which for most has been nothing!

 Will go in order of when they celebrated their September birthdays and leading off is the same woman who led the post off. Who of course is Kyoko who hit the age of 27 on the fifth and I have no clue what's become of her? She was one busy Idol up until last Autumn, for 2024 she's been at one event, has had one magazine spread, co-hosts a variety show and that's been it! She left Hina over five months ago and am at a loss on what to say about her, think Kyoko may have been filming a movie but that's it for all this time and she truly is near the top of women who I have missed doing posts for.

 You did see Yuika near the top, she too has gone a long time without any posts but that's been common for her. On September 8th she turned 37 so is one of the oldest if not oldest women I post about. Did say if things had turned out differently Yuika would be in the battle to be my #1 woman of all time, I wasn't exaggerating with that comment and surprisingly she is very popular here.

 It's still September 10th in America which means it's Miku's 22nd birthday. Is there a Hina Curse for she too has gone a long time without a post, four months to be exact! There was no busier Idol than her over the last three years so it is kind of odd she's been so quiet, for instance no events or mag spreads since May. However even though there is a lack of new things will do a post for Miku before the month ends, she was my #2 fave last year but don't think that will happen in 2024.

 It is kind of odd how there's only three with the name of Miku who I post about, a pair celebrate a birthday just two days apart! Not going to talk about Miku Tanaka whose birthday is on the 12th, have had no problems doing posts for her this year and should have one for her within the week as on her birthday is also releasing her second photobook.

 On the 15th Nana Owada will be hitting the age of 25 and where has she disappeared to? In January she announced that she left her agency and was taking a break and that was understandable as she had been so busy for many years. Then we next heard from her in June when Nana announced she had gotten married, since then there's been no word from her! What a shame as she was my third fave gravure model of all time and was one of the few AKB grads to have been very successful.

 A pair party it up in the 19th, this will make it three '48' members in a row as they're from AKB, HKT and the next gal after this is from NMB. Haruka from HKT will soon be turning 28 and once again hate saying it but have no other choice which is what has become of her? She was quite busy in 2021/22 and had one of the top photobooks of all time during that period plus had a few digital books, appeared at events and also had the lead role in a film. But since late 2022 Haruka has done so little, have seen her appear at a few events but not much else. As most of her fans noticed she did have a bit of surgery which did help her popularity so why hasn't she used her new seductive figure to her advantage????

 Here's my top woman of the post and isn't far from being my number one woman of all time, no lower than third and perhaps even second. Also with a September 19th birthday is Miyuki, another gal who has been a bit quiet as of late but already has set a record in 2024 for having her most posts. Miyuki will be hitting the age of 31 and does tend to be busier in the Autumn and really hoping so, for eight years have been saying she is my most alluring/sexiest/desirable woman ever 😍 and don't think that will ever change!!!!

 Last up is Sayaka, have been doing posts for her since late 2015 yet she only has 41 to date. She is consistent in a way as she seems to have a post every ten weeks so right now she's overdue for one. Sayaka will be turning 29 on the 26th and she is so immensely popular with you viewers so know you have been missing her.

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