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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Erina Mano: Belated Happy 27th Birthday....

 Three days late isn't too bad as I wasn't even planning on having a post. But seeing as how it's Erina who is close to being my #1 of all time and there are many new pics figured I couldn't pass up a post for her up. Number one of all time on my rankings could be possible, it's actually between her and an ex-Hello Project mate of hers. Also Erina is in the running for number one this year, seems there's about four or five big faves who have separated themselves from the pack but there's still over seven months to go before this year's 'Top Twenty Faves' list is created.

 Not a huge variety of things but there are a massive amount of new pics. That bottom one above is from Erina's "Erina"(original title!) photobook that was released on March 6th. It's her eleventh PB but checked the Oricon charts for the past month and somehow the book never made the top ten, all of her previous ones had.
 Erina has the lead role in her latest drama "Kareshi wo Ron de Kaimashita" which began on March 9th. So far haven't been able to find the drama anywhere, perhaps because it's airing on the cable channel dTV? Then again haven't been able to find many other drama that have started up in the past few weeks, it's becoming much harder these days to find Japanese dramas and especially subbed. Do have a few pics for the drama here, following them are some pics from a recent interview Erina did for the series with Mantan Web.

 Erina does a good job at giving us current info on her Line Blog along with posting many pics. Haven't been as many this month and there were zero from her April 11th birthday party.

 The bulk of new pics are from the Pro-Style site, Erina has been a model with them for many years. At the site there's five new short videos where Erina discusses makeup and other various beauty tips but for some reason none of them are on YT. Actually there are two new ones but they only consist of still pictures, these are over thirty brand new ones from their site and the address for it if you want to view her videos is: www.pro-style.jp/pr.tsuya

 Just one new mag spread for today but it's an elite collection of pics from the April 6th issue of Friday, looks like Erina has lost a bit more weight lately and the spread is for her new PB.

 Will end off with a few Hall of Fame Erina pics which have probably have been posted before though they show why she may be my all time #1, have a tremendous video for her "Escalation" photobook after the pics of perfection.

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