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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Majisuka Gakuen synopsis and review

Two transfer students, Atsuko Maeda and Onizuka Daruma came at the all-girls school Majisuka Gakuen. In this school violence and fighting are common among the Yankee students. Noisy and trouble maker Daruma made a fuss as soon as she entered the school, win in her first fight but then was beaten easily by another gang shortly after. In contrary to Daruma's bold-but-powerless attitude, Maeda who is truthfully a strong girl despite of her silent nature found Daruma is beaten by Team Hormon before her. The word "Majisuka?" (means are you serious?) instantly awaken her true nature and made her won the battle against Daruma's attackers easily, thus made a big fuss at the school and the news even reached the strongest fighting group, Rappapa. Afterwards, Daruma acknowledged Maeda as her boss and as a result the friendship between the two girls began to grow along with their fights with fellow students at their school.... from d-addicts.

 Not sure how long this review is going to be, it's the 13th post I've done on this drama today so my brain is a little overdosed with this show which is why I brought that mini synopsis over from d-addicts. This wasn't a complicated drama to watch, storylines were fairly simple as most of the episodes were all the girls at the school fighting each other, when they finished that they still fought and after finishing that they still would look for fights, guess you catch the drift as there was just so much fighting in this series but it wasn't a bad thing, they didn't fight just to fight as there were usually reasons behind it, especially when it dealt with going after Atsuko or the Rappapa club having to keep proving they were the toughest in the school.

 This show primarily had two storylines, one revolved around Atsuko as she was a transfer student to the school and for some reason everyone was gunning for her, she had a very quiet demeanor about her but was constantly forced into a corner where she had to fight back and that was a bad thing always for her challengers as she was one tough fighter even though she was such a smaller person compared to others, she packed one mean left punch and also had a drop kick down that was devastating. The other main story here was the leader of the Rappapa club, Yuko, who was in the hospital for some unknown yet serious illness, her message to her second in command Sado was one thing, defeat Atsuko at all costs! That was easier said than done as all comers were defeated by her and the fights ended in one exciting climax as Atsuko in one long and violent fight barely beat Sado who was quite the fighter herself and though the fight was really close to being even ended up conceding.

 Mentioned that it wasn't a real complicated drama and it wasn't but what's tough in reviewing it is that there just so many characters and gangs, cast had to be 40 or more people, hard to keep track of them as they would come and go or just appear in a few episodes here and there, they all made the show that much more fun but hard to keep track of all of them. Couple favorites for me from the series was Team Hormon who always were cooking a barbecue in the classroom and were such quirky characters, they weren't friends with Atsuko at all but did respect her and towards the end when Atsuko was outnumbered on a few occasion they were there to back her up. Mayu's character was also an interesting one, she played Nezumi who constantly would appear and then just as quickly disappear, she was a bit of a schemer as she pitted the gangs against each other hoping they would take each other out, not sure why unless she wanted all the big gangs to kill themselves off so she could take control, wasn't explained here why but perhaps that comes out in season 2.

 To be honest wasn't expecting too much from this series going in but luckily was surprised with it in a good way, though the plots and stories were a bit thin it was a real fun and enjoyable series, finished it in two days as the minute one episode ended couldn't wait to go on to the next one. There were other good points about the show, yes there was a lot of fighting but it was believable and not over the top, was a bit realistic and much better than the Be Bop High School series and movie which this may have been loosely based from. Overall would recommend this even if you're not a fan of AKB48, it was just was a fun watch and sometimes that's good enough. There are two more seasons to it, however as I write this both haven't been subbed and are much harder to find than this season, really hoping that'll change as both also look to be interesting watches. 

 This may have not been the longest or most thorough review but have made it up in the following posts which there are many off, 12 more as a matter of fact after this one with a total of 300+ more pics from the show! Next 2 posts have the cast from the show plus a brief description via screenshots of who and what the characters were. Plus after them many more screenshots from the show plus go more into detail with the characters and theie storylines, really worth checking out as is this series if you get the chance to view it. Also have just acquired season two which looks to be more interesting, am going to watch very soon so check back for a review and many more pics of everyone from the show.

Majisuka translates over to "Are you serious?"

Drama info:

Air Dates- January 8th, 2010 to March 26th, 2010, Friday nights at 12:12 am on TV Tokyo, 12 total episodes
Average Rating- 3.67%
Opening theme song- Majisuka Rock & Roll
Ending theme song- Sakura no Shiori.... both songs by AKB48
Cast- too many to list but the info is in the below chart and also in the next post.

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